the three steps

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we must take time to appreciate ourselves.
we spend so much time thinking about other people and their feelings — other people and their thoughts of you. but, we cannot
simply dive into every person's brain and
hot wire them into thinking of us in a positive light.

we cannot make everyone happy.

and even if we could it would just be conditional. i'd love to see the movie of me right before
my eyes but i'm not the target audience.

i could make the punchlines, the quotes, the existential question the whole cinema is centered on but i can't see myself in your eyes. which is why i always wonder
one's anger, one's confusion, one's joy, one's completeness.

there's three steps to this: love, hate, and confusion. you could hate to love someone, love to hate someone, hate the complete confusion of a love story. i've seen myself in these situations.

wishing for the show only seen in literature. longing for the kiss of a sly fox in a meadow. drowning and choking on pomegranate seeds.

unlike before, i'm taking time to appreciate


no longer confusion-stirred. instead i'm just love.

but i hate that i can't see this on a projector.

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