1. Shoot Out!

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Author's POV:

"What's the situation?" Aditya asks getting out of his car and removing his glasses. The stars on his shoulders shined brightly as soon as he opened the door. His half-sleeved shirt is giving the best display of his stoned and bulged arms. With the khaki shirt hugging his body tight his six-pack abs are on full display. With his broad chest, his sharp jawline, his predator-brown orbs, and his silky hair he is no less than a Greek god. His six feet figure started walking towards Nishal his best friend and his second in command.

"They are in with guns. There are nearly 20 people inside." Nihal said handing over the binoculars to Aditya.

Aditya nodded in agreement and got a clear and close vision of the surroundings. 

"I want the plan of this building immediately!" He said in a cool tone. This is the thing about him. He is very calm and composed while planning a rescue. But he becomes very aggressive when he is fighting the sinners.

He got the plan of the building in a few minutes.

"So, the people are on the ground floor with a few kidnappers keeping an eye o them. The remaining attackers are on the first floor. This building has a clear view of every surrounding building except the one on the right. So we are going in from there. I want a few of you to distract the attackers while we sneak in and save the hostages." He explains the plan to his team. 

"Am I clear?" He asks roaming his eyes towards every member.

"Yes sir!" They all answered in unison.

"Charge!" He commands.

He wears his bulletproof vest, unlocks his handgun, and starts walking towards the building in slow steps like a lion approaching a deer.

He went in and knocked down the first attacker by closing his mouth and turning his neck to the side with both his hands. He placed the man down without making any sound. 

Soon he found a man standing in front of him facing the other side. He hit on the man's head with his gun and made him unconscious. Another kidnapper saw that and charged toward him. He dodged a few punches thrown in the air and punched the man in his stomach. The man fell down growling in pain. He walked further. 

When he saw a group of 10 people standing in the hall he commanded his snipers to start firing to distract them.

Soon his team started firing in another direction to distract the kidnappers and he knocks down the kidnappers who are guarding the hostages one by one with the help of his few team members and brings the hostages out.

"Are you all fine?" He asked looking at their terrified faces. They all looked so pale and scared due to the incident. 

"He is bleeding!" one of the hostages shouts looking at the person beside him. 

"Nihal Ambulance!" He shouts and soon the ambulance came to the victim is taken to hospital by one of his inspectors and Aditya goes back to his office. 

He briefed up about the mission to his senior officer and handed him some files.


"What happened?" A girl asks looking at the man in his 30s being bought in a wheelchair. His head is bleeding profusely.

"There was an attack on his office." Inspector Mathur informed.

"Let me call the doctor. Take him inside!" She replied and ran away.

Soon she comes back with a beautiful girl. She is wearing a white coat with a stethoscope hanging around her neck. She has brown eyes and long eyelashes. She is having a perfect figure with a height of 5'6. Her long black hair is left untied and is reaching her hips. Her pulpy lips are curved up with a small smile and she is walking gracefully with confidence in her each step.

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