15. I'm in love but is he?

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I lazily got down from my bed and walked into the bathroom and completed my chores. I walked down and prepared breakfast for both of us. It feels good to cook for him and take care of him. I am loving this.

My trance broke when I heard a knock at the door. I opened the door and there he stood in all his glory resting one of his hands on the wall. His six feet height, his well-built body, his winey and strong arms, his sharp jawline, his six-pack abs, his intense gaze everything is making me go crazy. I didn't realize I was lost in him until he snapped his fingers in front of my eyes breaking my trance.

"Where are you lost?" He asked smiling.

"No... Nothing! Come in!" I gave him the way to enter.

We had our breakfast and left for our respective work. 

As soon as I entered the hospital I saw a crowd gathered. I hoped it was for a good reason. I went there and saw a heart made of rose petals and Dr. Arpitha is standing there with a wide grin and tears in her eyes. Dr. Mithun is kneeling in front of her with a velvet box in his hands. It made me feel so happy for them. Suddenly my brain and heart shifted to his thoughts!

I couldn't concentrate on my stupid documentation the whole day as I was lost in thoughts. His thoughts to be precise. 

I don't know when I started falling for him but I know one thing for sure. I love him!

"I love you Mr. Aditya Birla!" I said and smiled to myself.

I am smiling like an idiot and I don't care! I am in love for the first time and that too with Aditya! I got up from my seat and walked out with a wide grin on my face. I completed my rounds and wished everyone the same grin on my face. 

"This man will be my death one day!" I said to myself and walked to another ward.

The whole day went on like this. I couldn't stop either my heart or my brain from thinking about him. 

My friend then entered breaking my chain of thoughts. Of course, she didn't knock. They are not your friends if they respect your privacy.

"Where are you lost, madam?" She asked in a teasing tone.

"I guess I am in love!" I said with my hands under my chin and a smile on my lips.

"What?" She yelled making my head fall on the table.

"Why are shouting idiot?" I asked angrily but she smiled sheepishly.

"Tell me everything!" She demanded and I said a few things skipping a few which would make me blush like an idiot.

"When are you going to propose to him?" She asked bringing me back from my dream world.

Shit! Proposal! I never thought about it. How would I express my feelings for him? What if he rejects me? What if he breaks the friendship we share?

"Prisha!" She again broke my trance.

"Yeah... Proposal! I didn't think about it." I replied.

"Then think! I don't want anyone else to spoil your happiness. So, just express your feelings as soon as possible." She advised and I nodded in agreement.

I completed my work and left for home. I quickly prepared dinner and waited for him to come but he didn't. 

I finally decided to call him after debating so much with myself.

"Hello!" He picked up the call after 5 rings.

"Hey, Aditya! I just... just called you to ask about dinner!" I replied nervously.

"Sorry, Prisha but I already had my dinner with my friends and I will be late today!"  He could have at least informed me if he was having dinner with someone else. I wouldn't have waited this long for him if I have known.

"It's okay!" I replied hiding my hurt. 

"Adi!" I heard a female voice. Who's she? What is she doing with him? Questions started raising in my brain but I don't have any answers. I don't have a right to ask either.

He cut my call before I can say something.

Is he in love with someone else? Am I misunderstanding him being nice to me as his love? Why am I feeling bad if he's having dinner with someone else? Do I love him that much? I kept questioning myself.

"You idiot! Don't you know how much you love him? You felt better when he said he was proud of you! Your heart broke when you saw him crying! You waited every day just to have dinner with him!" My conscious spoke.

"But does he love me? What if he loves someone else?" I asked in a shaking tone.

"Then ask him! Go and express your feelings!" My heart suggested.

Yes, it's better to get an answer soon rather than feeling hurt or raising my hopes. I will propose to him tomorrow.

I went to bed as I lost my appetite long ago. I wanted to sleep but sleep is the last thing on my mind. I twisted and turned for hours before sleep finally decided to visit me. I woke up the next morning and went for a jog. 

He didn't come home yesterday as his car is not parked in front of his home. Is he alright? Did something happen to him? My full body started shaking and I am sweating profusely.

"Shut up Prisha! Nothing happened to him! He might be busy!" I scolded myself for thinking badly.

I went home took a shower and prepared breakfast for him and placed it in the oven. I wrote a note and left it on the dining table and left for the hospital. I didn't have anything important to do but I want to divert myself. I was not in the mood to have breakfast so I didn't.

I went to the hospital and did my work. I sent a message to him to meet me in the evening at my place. I hope he comes. If he agrees I will be the happiest person in the world but if he rejects I will at least have closure.

I went home and got ready to meet him. I wore a simple kurta and waited for him.

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