22. Can you guarantee?

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I went to my hospital after asking Aunty to give tablets to Aditya. I sat in my cabin after my rounds and the incidents from the past night started playing in my mind. A smile made its way to my lips curving them up. My trance was broken by Ridhis' squealing. She came running to me and hugged me tight.

"Don't choke me, idiot!" I yelled at her and tried to push her away. She stepped back after muttering a sorry.

"Now say what happened?" I asked after taking a few quick breaths.

"He said he loves me!" She said joining her hands and heaving a dreamy sigh. 

"What? When?" I asked hugging her tight.

"Yesterday night. That monkey blabbered everything after getting drunk!" She exclaimed jumping up and down and I too joined her. No one will believe we are both doctors looking at us right now. 

"Call him here! I want to meet him." I squealed and she took out her phone nodding. He said he would come by the afternoon. We both decided to do our work till then. 

It was 11:30 when I decided to meet Bhabi as I had no important work and was feeling bored. I went to her cabin and her assistant informed me that she went to meet Dr. Krithi, another gynac. I decided to go there. I went there and saw bhabi sitting in Dr. Kriths' cabin alone. 

"Hey, bhabs!" I wished her and she turned around with a smile.

"Prisha?" She asked with a smile.

"I was bored!" I answered her unasked question and sat beside her.

"Where is Dr. Krithi?" I asked bhabi and she gestured toward the room where she was. I was about to say something when someone barged into the room angrily.

"Sir, there is already a patient inside and it's a gynecologist's cabin." Dr. Krithis' assistant said to the middle-aged man who was gritting his teeth.

"Tanu!" He yelled gritting his teeth and soon Tanu came out shaking in fear. She didn't see me as her eyes were fixed on the man who was throwing daggers at her.

"Whose?" He asked in a cold tone. She flinched in fear but kept mum.

"I asked whose fucking child is this?" He gritted again. What? Tanu is pregnant?

"Adi...Aditya!" She breathed out hesitantly and my heart broke into a million pieces hearing that. The ground slipped under my feet.  Tanu is carrying Adis' child? Was that the reason for his rejection? 

My chain of thoughts broke when my phone vibrated. I excused myself wiping away my tears. I walked out of there without looking back. It was Ridhi who was calling me.

"Ha Ridhi!" I said answering the call. 

"He's here. We are coming to your cabin!" She chirped and I wiped away my tears mustering a fake smile. I can't spoil my best friends' day for my own reasons. 

I splashed water on my face and walked towards my cabin. Ridhi and Vihaan were sitting there.

"Hey, love birds!" I chirped hugging them both. Ridhi blushed while Vihaan gave me a look that I could not decipher.

"Who are love birds here?" He asked frowning.

"Of course, you both. Who else?" I asked and he started laughing like a maniac. What's wrong with him?

"What? Are you kidding me?" He asked amid his laughs while I and Ridhi shared a confused look.

"You said you love me yesterday Vihaan!" Ridhi spoke in a low tone.

"And you trusted what I said in a drunken state? I don't even remember what I said Ridhi! You are my best friend nothing more than that!" He said in a serious tone. I looked at Ridhi and I could understand her pain. How can I not while I know everything about her mad love for him?

"Ridhi," before I could say something she ran away from there leaving me and Vihaan alone.

"What was that Vihaan?" I yelled at him. I know he loves her but he is completely denying that. 

"What? I don't love her!" He said shrugging his shoulders. I slapped him across his cheek. I might have overreacted but I am in the middle of a mess. The man I love is going to be a father to someone elses' child and my one best friend is breaking another best friends' heart.

"I read your diary last year! I read every fucking page of it." I yelled at him. He slouced down defeated.

"You love her. You started loving her 5 years ago and you still do, then why?" I asked in a low tone. How can he?

"My life has no guarantee Prisha! I don't even know when death comes to me. How can I let her live a life like that? What if I die one day? She will fall alone!" He said with a tear rolling down his cheek.

"What? So, you are letting her go?" I asked and he nodded.

"Have you lost it Vivaan? How can you even think like that? Do you think she can live happily if you leave her? She loves you damn it! She will die for you!" I exclaimed raising my hands.

"She will move on Prisha! She will fall for someone else and live a happy life." He said making me scoff. Why do people think they are the ones sacrificing while leaving the ones they love even without letting the others know what they feel even after knowing the other person is madly in love with them? What kind of stupidity is this?

"Oh yeah! Moving on is very easy right?" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"I can't move on from my 6 months of love and you are saying she will move on from her 4 years of love? And she can never love someone else the way she loves you!" I shouted at him. 

"You love someone?" He asked me shocked.

"That's not the matter here! You want her to marry someone else right? What if she gets married to a psychopath who tortures her? What if her in-laws don't treat her the way your parents do? What if her husband whores around leaving her?" I asked him.

"Then I will kill him!" He roared.

"And what right do you have to kill him? You are the one who's throwing her in that situation aren't you?" I yelled and he again remained silent.

"I and Ridhi are doctors Vivaan. And you are an officer! We know very well that death can come to anyone and at any time. How many cases have we all seen about a man killing his wife and in-laws burning their daughter-in-law alive? And let's say she gets married to a good man, but can you guarantee that he won't die?" I asked again and he remained silent.

"If he dies are you sure his parents will take her responsibility? What if they stop her from meeting me and you? If she is with you she will be happy Viv! Your parents will treat her like their own daughter. Even if something happens to you, she will still have all of us for her but can you guarantee all these if she marries someone else?" 

"And, what about you? Do you think your parents won't ask you to marry at some point in time? Now don't say you will never marry anyone! You will. And isn't the girl going to face the same fate you don't want Ridhi to? And even if you don't want to marry at all, what about your parents? Why should they be deprived of happiness because of your stupid fear?" 

"Why do you want to hurt your parents, your love, and everyone around you just because of your insecurity?" I asked again and he was sitting still like a rock.

"We prefer to be widows of the warriors like you rather than being wives of some manwhore! And few moments with our love is more precious than a lifetime in a loveless marriage. Think about it!" I said and walked away to find Ridhi. 

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