Chapter 15: A Ride Home

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"Hey, uh... You know anything else about Edmund or Matt?" Swift removes his tuxedo jacket, putting it on his lifted arm.

Audrey's eyes narrow, "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, I figured, you've been in the same school as Matt for... what, three years?"

"Yeah, I'm like a grade behind," Audrey adds.

"Exactly. So, I'm only assuming you know more about him than the rest of us."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, maybe something about the little something he's planning?" Swift asks.

"The little something?" Audrey immediately becomes confused. What little something? As far as she knew, Matt is not planning anything, not that she knows of anyways.

"A little bird told us. Well, no. A little bird told our boss, and then she told us. She didn't explain anything else, but from the sound of it, it's not anything good." Tom says as he's removing his jacket, sitting on the couch tiresomely.

Audrey then takes a pause. Maybe she did know something about Matt and she just forgot. Everything she knows about Matt she remembers, but so far after exploring details and memories in her head, nothing.

"I'm not... quite sure if I know anything about that." She says, leaning her shoulder against the wall. Swift nods understandingly.

"Although," She speaks up, once again grabbing the room's attention. "I might know someone who does."

"You do?" Carter asks, and Audrey nods to that. "Give me a name. I'll run it through the database."

"A guy named Lars Barlowe. A triggerman who used to work for Edmund. I said used to because he quit his job a few months before Edmund died. Reasons unknown." As Audrey speaks, Carter makes sure he notes down the name before he forgets it.

"Lars... Barlowe. Okay, I'll see what I can find." Carter then thanks her.

"You're welcome." Audrey then detaches her shoulder from the wall. "Welp, this has been great, but it's starting to get late, so I should probably go."

"Need a ride home?" Swift puts up the car keys. "I can drive, you know."

Audrey chuckles, "Heh, no thanks. I'll just order an Uber and-" Really, she didn't want to bother forcing Swift to give her a ride home. It's probably best if she did leave on her own. After what's been happening tonight, Swift and Tom look weary. But Swift beat her to it.

"No, no, no, I insist." Swift starts walking to her. "Need to make sure you're alright on the way."

Audrey, not knowing what to say, blushes. She tries her best to hide it, and even though she's not doing a good job at it, Swift seems to ignore it. "But-"

"It's fine, really, now go, go, go!" Swift starts to hurry her. Audrey has no idea what to do besides to comply with him. She feels like he's such a gentleman being generous enough to get her home. As he approaches, Audrey walks out of the apartment through the front door.

"Oh, and before I go," Swift pops out of the corner next to the kitchen, where Carter is, and tosses his suit jacket to him, leaving Swift only wearing his tie, vest, and white dress shirt. "Fix that for me, will ya?"

"Can't say that I can." Carter rolls his eyes before Swift goes out of the apartment. Meanwhile, Tom's been realizing how Swift acts when Audrey is around. Unlike before, Swift is... soft, in a way, when he's talking to Audrey. Not to mention, his offer for her to drive her home, it's pretty dubious. Seconds after he leaves the room, Tom decides to break the silence as Carter examines Swift's jacket that he left him with.

The Young Spy (Book One)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें