Chapter Four.

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.just keep breathing. 

ANASTASIA AND STEVE were sitting in the living room of Hopper's small home, their legs entangled in one as Steve drew patterns of her thigh, running his other hand up and down her arm as she relaxed into his touch. 

They had been dating for almost six months and in the space of those months they had fallen for one another faster than they ever had before. Steve had always wondered whether or not he had someone out there, perfect for him, two years ago he would of laughed if someone said to him that a powerful Russian witch would soon be the love of his life, but after everything that they had gone through together, he wouldn't of wanted it any other way. 

Anastasia showed him what true love was meant to be, he opened his heart to her like he had never done before. He was completely and utterly hers. He would destroy the world for her. Steve kissed the crown of her head, breathing in the smell of her freshly washed hair that smelt of strawberries. 

"I love you." Steve whispered, the words slipped from his mouth as though it was natural. And that was exactly what their love was, natural, simple, delicate. They didn't need big fancy dates too prove their love for one another, they just needed the presence of the other part of them there besides them, comforting them like no one else could. 

A smile broke out on Anastasia's face as she held onto Steve's hand tightly, she admired him, she adored him. "I love you." She took in a deep breath before she said. "I would go through everything all over again if it led me too you."

"I wouldn't have it any other way, my love." Steve kissed her on the cheek, "I don't know what I would do without you."

"Yeah, who else would clean up after your messes all the time." Anastasia joked, a laugh coming out of her.

The sound relaxed Steve, it made him feel secure in their relationship knowing that she loved him. Love. The four letter word that meant so much more too him than she ever understood. Because whenever Anastasia said it, she said it like she meant it. 

"I love hearing your laugh." Steve complimented. 

Just then they heard the door close behind Lucas and Dustin as they walked into the Hopper household. They pretended to be sick, gagging at the sweet words that Steve and Anastasia shared. They sat down on the couch, making themselves more comfortable as Lucas raided the kitchen for some snacks. 

"You two make me sick." Dustin commented, turning up his nose at them. 

Anastasia threw the cushion at him, "You're just jealous."

"Jealous?" Dustin gasped. "I would never."

"Oh, I'm sure." She rolled her eyes, Steve copying her actions. "What are you two doing here anyways, don't you have Max too annoy?"

"She's spending time with Eleven, those two are attached at the hips now." Lucas scoffed, he was clearly missing his girlfriend. "So we decided to come and annoy you two."

"Wonderful." Steve muttered, "Can you annoy us somewhere else."

"Hm." Dustin thought, glancing back at Lucas. "Should we go somewhere else?"

Lucas pretended too think about the question too. "No, I don't think that we should, Dustin."

"Then that's sorted, we're staying with you two love birds." Dustin nodded confidently. "What should we do for the day? We have a few hours till everyone else comes home."

Anastasia shrugged, glancing back at Steve who looked just as puzzled. "Maybe we could bake some cookies."

"Cookies!" Lucas exclaimed like a giddy child. "I want some cookies."

"Let's go then." She stood up, patting Steve's thigh as he smirked at her, pulling her back down onto his lap as the boys walked into the kitchen, grabbing out the ingredients that they needed. "What are you doing?"

"You look good on my lap." Steve whispered in her ear, watching as the blush rose on her cheeks.

"Shut up." Anastasia muttered, "Not when those two are here."

Steve groaned, throwing his head back against the couch. "When do they leave again?"

"Once I bake them some cookies." Anastasia reminded him, standing up from the couch as she pulled Steve up with her. "Come on, let's go make them two happy."


note -
short chapter but at least i updated this book, i've been busy working on other ones that i have been loving 

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