Chapter 17

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"Conner don't leave me" I groan hugging him from behind as he started to pack. He throws the one shirt he's managed to pick out into his suitcase now turning back to give me his full attention as I throw my tantrum. He gives me a an uncaring stare, but I know he's fighting a smile.

"I don't want you to go" I continue pulling away and crossing my arms. The fight against his smile grows as he crosses his arms as well, copying me.

"It'll only be three or four days" he reminds me. I just puff out my lips not liking the response.

"You could come with me?" He steps closer nudging me with an elbow. I huff looking away from him before just sitting on the floor. He's going to Ohio for his football game. Yay football. Making me lonely.

"If I didn't have this stupid important test and I had the money to afford it I definitely would. I'd come to them all!" I explain before falling onto my back completely.

He reaches down and takes my hands pulling me right back up. I try to lift myself as much as possible sucking in. Another attempt to make myself go up easier. He manages to fling me up and with my help I about tumble right into him.

"Well hello there..." I look away embarrassed and quickly step back tugging at the bottom of my shirt a few times.

"You know Cally all we have to do is lie and say we've been dating for 6 months and then you get a free plane ticket and you can sleep in my hotel room with me... the team does is all the time. The coach has done it before too. They won't care" he explains moving a curl out of my face. I look at him kinda excited by the idea of traveling with him.

"Next time, okay? I pinky promise" I stick out my pinky and he finally breaks smiling as he hooks his pinky with mine. I cringe at the way my pinky looks compared to his. He probably wants somebody with tiny hands. The whole small and big dynamic was something I can't give him.

"Okay, next time. I'll miss you" he lets go of my pinky and instead just pulls me into a hug making the bad thoughts mostly disappear at the moment. He's happy with me. There's no way he's not.

"I'll miss you too" I tell him letting our bodies sway side to side as we embraced.

"You really shouldn't have waited till the day before to pack" I tease getting a groan.

"I'm suppose to be using this day to mourn you"  I continue, making him laugh.

"Well now I know better. For now on I'll pack two days before and the day before will be our day to  mourn. Maybe even celebrate" he whispers leaning over to kiss my neck. I smile holding him tight.

"What would we celebrate? Finally getting rid of me" I huff which is followed by a startled noise as his hand grabs ahold of my ass.

"Not that. Celebrate uh... me totally about to win another game?" he attempts and utterly fails.

"It sounds like you just want to fuck me" I whisper wrapping a hand around the back of his neck. His expression changes as he licks his lips and I can't help, but laugh pulling away from him and his lustful gaze.

"To bad though you've got to pack" I add a very dramatic and sarcastic sigh, moving to sit on my own bed. I place Will on my lap as a safety measure. If Will is in my lap he can't tackle me.

He catches on to my way of hiding from him and huffs but goes back to packing while I tune my acoustic wanting to play a little. This however, distracts him... again.

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