31- Fatality is a disguise

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"I did what I thought was right" I mumble unapologetically.

I'm not going to feel sorry for something I don't regret.

I chose to die so he wouldn't have to, he has no right to be upset about it.

It's the blood moon. I'm supposed to die today...only a few more hours left. I had a plan to mess with the ingredients for my potion but Emilia told Dagon about the prophecy and he put two and two together.

"I don't care what you think is right. You are going to take that antidote" he states.

I clench my fists, this is annoying.

"Why can't you just let me do what I want?" I pull at my hair, already knowing the answer. This is suffocating. I wish there was no prophecy. I was happy when all Dagon and I did was spend time together.

"Why can't you just let me die?! It's my choice."

"Your choice -?"

"Yes! It's my choice. Whether or not I want to die or live is my choice. Whether or not I want to be buried or cremated -"


I flinch a little when he growls.

"I will not let you talk about dying!"


"No" he takes long strides towards me from across my room. He cups my face, staring straight into my eyes.

"If anything happens to you..." He mutters.

A tear escapes my eye and rolls down my cheek. Why can't I just be happy for once?

"Daphne, you are so important to me, I won't ever let anything happen to you"

"You can't be selfish though" I say. "Think about Kaida, you're the closest thing she has to a family...if anything happens to you she will not be able to handle it. I will not be able to handle it"

"Listen to me, you will live and so will I. Nothing bad's going to happen. Emilia saw wrong."

No. I'm not going to let him convince me. Even if Emilia was wrong, the very possibility that she could be right...no...I can't take that chance.

"I can't take that chance"

"Then I'm sorry" he says. What? I crinkle my brows in confusion, why is he saying sorry? Before I can ask him, I feel him stick a needle in my neck.

Instantly, my knees buckle, and my vision blurs. What did he do? I hear him mutter an apology but his voice is fading. It continues to fade until I'm embraced by darkness.


My eyes peel open and the first thing I see is the red moon staring back at me.

What happened?

I sit up on my bed, turning to my left, Dagon is standing near the window. He's looking out at the sky.

The memory of how I passed out comes rushing back.

He stuck a needle in me.

"Why did you stick a needle in me?" I question. I stand up from the bed and walk towards him.

"I injected you with the cure... you're no longer cursed. You are cured"

My eyes widen as his words ring in my head and the realization of the meaning of what he said registers in my mind.

He's a bastard.

"I am sorry for doing it against your will but I'm not sorry for saving your life"

Saving my life?

"Saving my life?!" I yell.

"You took my choice away from me! You can't do that, it's not okay"

I expect him to say something, to defend himself, anything but he remains quiet.

"Just get out!" I yell.

He leaves without a single word and I drop to the ground.


What has he done? What did he do?

He signed his death warrant all while he took my choice away from me.

How could he?! How dare he?!

It was my choice. It was my decision. He had no right.

I need to make something clear to him if he ends up dying because he saved my life, then I won't ever forgive him. I'll hate him. Till my last breath, I'll hate him.

I just wanted to save him and he took that away from me. I sob quietly. Does he think it's okay if he dies?

That selfish bastard didn't even think about me.

He didn't...think about anyone.

He just did what he wanted.

I don't want to talk to him. But I also want to keep a close eye on him to make sure he's safe.

"Ugh!" I grip my hair, yelling now.

"How c-can you think it's fair for me to watch you die?" I cry harder.

How can he think that?!

I won't let him die. I won't. I can't.

After what feels like hours, I drag myself off the floor. The red moon is staring at me through my mirror, I can't believe I dreaded and welcomed this day only for it to amount to nothing.

My eyes drift to the window, the white curtains are moving haphazardly like a strong wind rushed past. Does it want to rain? I walk up to the window to shut it when something heavy collides with the back of my head.

I hiss in pain, trying to hold my head but everything's spinning.

"Dagon" I say but I can't even hear my voice. I need to scream. He needs to hear me. My kidnapper grabs me. Tears are falling down my cheeks. Dark spots are starting to cloud my vision.

No. No. I need to scream. I need Dagon to hear me. I need... darkness envelopes me, it's all I can see before every sound around me fades. My last thought is did Dagon hear me? Was I even able to scream?


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