41- That was a lot easier than expected (2)

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I thought I was dying. Correction, I thought I was dead but suddenly this cure. Yes, it tasted like blood but mustn't have been blood. Blood satisfies alone. But this was different. It must have been a cure because suddenly my chest isn't tight. I feel better. Whole. Recovered. Which is impossible because there is no cure for a werewolf's bite.

The scent of blood fills my senses before I peel my eyes open. I was wrong. It wasn't a cure. It was blood I indeed drank. I can still taste it on my lips. What kind of blood had healing properties? What kind of blood was a cure for a werewolf's bite? My thoughts are distracted by a weight on my body. Why hadn't I realized it sooner?

Looking down, Daphne's asleep on me. I'm about to smile when I notice her blood-stained clothes.

Shit. She's bleeding. She's so pale. The bed was covered in blood. No. No. I quickly gather her in my arms and bite down on my wrist. I place my wrist against her lips making her drink my blood. I notice the bite mark on her palm and a cut that was probably self-inflicted.

Of course, she disobeyed. I asked her not to give me blood. She gave me her blood. Wait, her blood healed me? I look at my arm, the bite mark from Caspian had disappeared. Her blood actually healed me. She saved me.

I won't waste my second chance. I'll spend every second loving her for eternity. My wife. My love. My life.

"I love you" I whisper.


I must have died and reunited with Dagon because I feel so at peace. I sigh in satisfaction as he pats my head gently.

"I followed you to paradise" I mumble.

He laughs. He's healthy. He's not sick in paradise, that's nice.

"What are you talking about?" He says.

What? My eyes fly open and I'm in my bedroom. Dagon's lying beside me. This isn't paradise.

I sit up abruptly, turning to face him.


He looks good. He looks healthy. How is that possible?

"Am I dreaming?" I question. I look at my palm, no sign of a cut. It must be a dream. I never want to wake up. I hug him.

"I'm never going to wake up from this dream" I say.

"It's not a dream, love. I'm healthy"

What? How is that possible?

"But I-"

"Your blood saved my life" he mutters, showing me his arm. The bite mark is gone.

No, how can this be? It must be a dream.

I slap him hard across his face and he hisses in pain. He's real.

"You're real. Sorry I slapped you, I needed confirmation" I mutter.

"It's fine"

I slap him again, harder this time. I'm overcome with so much anger.

"I hate you! How could you dare to leave me here alone?!" I slap him a third time.

"Ow" he hisses.

I frown. I don't want to cause him pain.

"No, I don't hate you. I love you. Never leave me again" I climb onto his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

"For someone who claims to love me, you show it in the strangest way" he murmurs, hugging me back.

My emotions are all over the place. I hold on to him tightly, I'm never letting go.


"There really isn't any venom left in your body. You are completely fine" Emilia confirms after examining Dagon. I hear Alma sigh in relief and so do I. The rest of the family was speechless. They thought it was a dream. They were in disbelief because a werewolf bite has no cure. Or rather had no cure.

"How can your blood possess such healing properties?" She questions looking as surprised as the others did when they found out.

"You're the witch, shouldn't you know?" I state, glaring at her. I don't like her. She might have saved my life but she lied about the prophecy and caused so much heartache and drama.

She ignores my remark.

"I'm going to need to examine your blood" she tells me. What? Why? Dagon is cured and that's all I care about. I look at Dagon who's sitting beside me on the bed. We share the exact same look right now.

"Daphne? Come on, aren't you curious?" Alma pushes. I am not. I think I might be scared. Emilia is always saying either Dagon or I is going to die. What if it's something bad this time?

I stretch my arm out and Emilia runs her palm over it, shutting her eyes and muttering an incantation.

She suddenly steps back.

"No, no, no, no" she keeps on muttering.

"What's wrong?" Dagon asks before I can.

My heart hammers in my chest. Am I dying? Is it something bad?

"This is wrong" Emilia mutters.

"What?!" Alma asks impatiently.

"Daphne is pregnant and her child is a vampire and a werewolf"

What? I blink twice, trying to process what she just said.

I am Pregnant?!

That's impossible! A vampire can't procreate with a human, I know that. Everyone knows that.

"Do you have a death wish?" Dagon threatens her.

"I'm telling the truth!" She yells.

My heart is racing. At this point, I'm sure I'll have a heart attack.

Dagon is in front of Emilia in seconds.

"Say another lie and I'll kill you" he states.

"How else was her blood able to heal you? It's because your child is a hybrid and the mother and child's blood mix during pregnancy." She continues ranting.

No. She's a liar. I know I can't get pregnant with a vampire because I'm human. Why would she play with my emotions like that?

"What are you saying? A vampire can't procreate with a human" Alma says this time.

"Except, you weren't human after the werewolf bit you. I told you the venom would stay in your system for two days."

Two days. Two days. After I was bit, Dagon and I went to Paris and of course, we slept together before the two days were up.

No, what am I doing? Am I analyzing what she said?

"Did anything happen between you too before the two days were up?" Alma questions.

I can't believe she just asked that. I'm not doing this. I stand up to leave the room but Emilia grabs my arm.

"You need to terminate the pregnancy. That child is an imbalance to nature."

"Let go of me. You're crazy and I'm not pregnant" I state, walking out of the room.



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