Chapter 25.

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I was eagerly waiting for her to say something. I want to know why she protected me even though she was going through hell. She didn't even glanced at me. I'm scared now what is happening? Why is she not talking to me? Is she scared of me.

"Jaan, trust me I'll never ever hurt you in anyways like him. I'm sorry if I scared you, I was just.."

"I loved you Hasan I loved you, even though I was in living hell I never stopped loving you, because of you I could bare all the pain. You were my only hope Hasan. I love you so much that I can never see a scratch on your skin then how can I let him hurt you. I know I shouldn't love you when I was married to another guy but what I can do you were the only one in my heart, and no one can ever replace that. I'm sorry I'm telling you all this, I shouldn't have. Please don't say anything I can't listen to your reply. It's really okay if you don't like me but please let me love you."

I was just struck, did she really confess me? Does she really love me to this extend. I am the luckiest man in this world.

"Fathi look at me."

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't controlled myself."

"Jaan just look at me."

She hesitated looked at me.
I cupped her face and started stroking her cheeks with my thumb.

"Fathi, you will never believe but I just love you so much that I can die and kill for you. No one could ever loved someone the way I love you fathi. I thought you will never love me back so I never told you. You were my love, you are my love and you will always be my love. I loved you when you didn't even knew I was ever existed. I loved you long before our marriage was fixed and the love which I had 7 years ago is still the same instead it's growing day by day."

Tears started rolling down in both of our eyes. We were just looking in eachothers eyes and drowning in it. We both love eachother unconditionally.
I leaned in and kissed her forehead gently and hugged her tightly. We can hear eachothers heart beats. We were silent for a bit just hugging each other.

"I love you, I love you so much." I whispered to her.

"I love you more Hasan." She mumbled on my chest.

After about good 5 minutes of my life we pulled apart. She was still leaning her head on my shoulder and my hands are still wrapped around her.


"Yes Jaan."

"Please don't force yourself to be with me. I'm just so weak, pathetic, broken and scared I don't think I still deserve you."

"Fathi you are so strong and bravest girl I've ever known, you just deserve everything Jaan. You deserve everything in this world."

"Don't you think I can't be fixed."

"Why are you trying to fix yourself Jaan, you are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. Don't try to do anything fathi, don't change yourself you are perfect in your own way infact in every way."

"Hasan if you want to ask anything please just ask me, I'll answer everything honestly without hiding anything."

"I've some questions love but I think you should take some rest."

"I'm taking rest by talking with you. Please just ask."

"Why did you ask for my forgiveness when it wasn't your fault."

"It was my fault Hasan, for opening that door for giving water to Fahad everything was my fault and even though I was forced to leave I still hurt everyone. I hurted you Hasan. Because of me our families got humiliated so it was all my fault."

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