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The alarm has been going on for a while now, but I can't find it in me to turn it off. To be honest I don't even have the will to move one muscle an inch to reach it.

"Oh my fucking god Bell, shut this fucking thing off" A husky, tired voice says it, clearly annoyed. But since I know all too well the owner of this voice, I most certainly will not be turning it off.

Fuck you Nathaniel.

"beep beep beep beep" I start to sing along to my alarm, head still buried into the pillow as I hold up my middle finger to him.

He ignores it, and walks over to my balcony, placed by the side of my bed and grabs my cellphone, clicking on the screen and turning the repetitive noise off. "fucking god I could literally beat you up right now"  I mumble, turning my head to the opposite side of where he stands.

"Kinky much?" He taunts, smirking while moving towards my viewing field.

I scoff at his act "Wanna get out of my room, jerk?What are you even doing at my house?" I ask him, now moving myself to sit on my bed.

"I'm still friends with the good twin" He snaps, flickering on my light and walking out of my room, leaving the door just slightly cracked open.

I swear I'll be the reason he dies.

I groan at his antics, but I rise out of bed and unlock my windows, breathing in the sun that beams through my skin in the best possible way.

I then turn my eyes to the mirror. Holy shit.

I look like a mess. My hair presents itself in every different direction, my skin is oily and my lips are chapped.

I run my hands through my hair whilst I saunter to my bathroom.

My morning routine starts with cleansing my face with a specialized soap, then I use a serum and put in sunscreen.

Thereafter I redeem my curls and attempt to reduce the frizz with oil.

Walking back to my room I stare into my closet for a good 15 minutes before deciding to change myself into black low waist sweats, a white airforce that I painted little stars on, and a white turtle neck long sleeve tank top.

"Bella! Get your ass down here, like right now!" My brother screams.

Right, I forgot that I should probably clarify that today is the day I go back to my boarding school. Summer just finished, meaning my skin is tanned, my face is basically clear, and I look happier. Until, of course, this exact moment.

This moment is the one I remember that this year I won't be going alone to the boarding school, no. My father has oh so kindly instructed my brother to accompany me, and as a good fellow friend, Nathaniel just had to follow his "bro".

Shaking the thought out of my head I stroll downstairs carefully.

"I won't get over the fact dad has made you go to the boarding school with me" I grumble to my brother whereas I open up the fridge and grab milk.

"You are aware you were an experiment right? I mean dad only let you study there last year to see if the school was good. I think that says a lot about who's the favorite" He makes his point, smacking the back of my head. I close the fridge and hit him back, now approaching the cabinets to grab myself the cereal.

"Ah of course, and can't forget that this guy-" Leonardo, my sibling, taps Nate's back twice before finishing his sentence. "-Is coming there with me this year as well"

"Chop chop lazy ass, we need to leave right now." Nate highlights, making me raise a middle finger in his direction as I keep on spooning my food.

"He's right, dad's already at the car" Leo emphasizes, strolling upstairs to probably grab my baggage. "Why are you so eager to go, anyway?" I question, still eating my breakfast.

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