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Time to go guide that tour. It's really nothing, they're just making a scandal about it because I haven't even talked to any guy other than the ones I already know after my ex.

So, story time, my ex was everything a girl could ask for, perfect. At least for the first month we were together, and then he started going downhill, telling me I overreacted over small things, saying how I should and shouldn't dress. Just acting toxic. However I fell hard for him, and I believed he said that for my own well being, which, nowadays I realize how naive and stupid I was. he used to tell me I was a whore for hanging out with so many friends, it got him mad so I stopped. My brother clearly started to notice the red flags as I slowly started to shut off and become more of an insecure person. He warned me about it all, and once I realized there was no going back. I told him we needed to break up but he wasn't accepting it, so my brother had to come in. The guy was beaten up until he had to beg to breathe. I scowled my brother at the intensity of how he took things, but still, I got why he felt that way.

My brother was always beside me with all of the struggles I went through, and I am forever grateful for him. He is the only one that knows about my trauma over relationships, and helped me reconnect with our friends. It's been a year since the events, so I believe I am better than ever, it's just a shitty situation to remember.

Without my mom around it was always hard, but my brother kept me safe and made sure to show me the love our father couldn't because of his job.

Anyway, going back to not trauma dumping.

Here I am right? On the way to where he said he would be, and guess what? He isn't here.

I should expect that. I mean, it can't all be sunshine and flowers right? I sigh and begin to walk away.

But I am interrupted on my way as I see a very handsome blonde haired guy, Arthur.

"Thought you weren't comming anymore" I say, not hiding the smile on my face to see he didn't forget. "I can say the same, sorry for being late" He answers and I shrug it. "I said I would come" I tell him, reassuringly as we make our way to the reception room "me too" he says, I nod in fairness of the situation.

"Alright, so, this is..."

I go on about it, and then we move to 3 other places until the football court.

"over there is where the cheerleaders train, and here is where the guys that play football and soccer train, to play against teams"

"Nice" he says, I look to the court, there is Elliot and Nate waving at me, I wave back at them.

"Oh you know them?" He asks me "Yeah, do you?" I ask confused "no no, so are they your brothers or.." he trails off.

"just my friends, actually, only the one with tattoos is my friend, the other one is a pain in the ass" I laugh as and we continue walking

"Here! This is where the cheer team trains" I say as we pass through them. Liz is over there, and approach us when she sees me, greeting me and Arthur politely.

"Hey guys, i'm guessing you're Arthur?" she asks him "yeah, nice to meet you" he says sweetly "I'm Liz, pleasure. Have fun kids, see you later babe" she quickly comments to me as she runs back to practice.

"You talked about me?" He asks "See, I am a very occupied person, I had to cancel some plans to be here" I say jokingly. Yeah I'm lying, this school is very gossipy that's why they knew, but maybe the school being gossipy can be an advantage to me some day in the future. So for now, he won't be knowing that.

"then I am very honored you chose me" he says "I kinda owed you one, since you defended me to Mr asshead" I joked while continuing to walk forward, he follows "You did got in trouble because of me" "damn right I did" I say and he stays quiet.

Did he got upset? Such a cry baby.

"Up there is the music room" I say pointing to some stairs as I walk inside one of the school buildings. Flynn is probably over there but I really don't wanna go up right now.

We continue the tour, about 5 more places go until there's only one left.

After the little show he put on, it takes a while but he acts normal again. This guy is just not it, I hate dramatic people

"Here, we have to go down" I say as I start to go down like 5 steps of stairs

"what's down here?" he asks as I open up a gate

"The track and field" I say as I look for Amelia

"Hey girl!" I walk over to her and hug her "hey love!" She says as she hugs me back. "Amelia? Nice to meet you" Arthur says, giving her a handshake "nice to meet you too, already finished the tour?" she asks "yep. This is the last place actually" "Alright, well, see you at the dorm later, bye!" she says as she gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and runs back to her coach.

We walk over to the school campus again

"So, enjoyed the tour?" I ask him "sure did" he says stopping both of us "So, 100 dollars" I joke of it "really?" he asks serious "oh no! Sorry" I laugh of nervosism

"oh, okay. Well, can I get your number? I think I was a pretty decent tourist"

oof... if I don't give it to him, he will think i'm just a asshole, but if I do give him, then.. well.. i mean he can just want to be my friend right?

"sure, i'm glad you thought I was that much of a great guide" I say as I put on his phone my number

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