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"Bella, hey" Nate says softly as he opens the door.

He's shirtless, with sweatpants only. Oh for fuck sakes.

There's a billion things going through my mind right now. And none of them are what I came here to talk about.

"Come in, it's not like you haven't been here before" He mumbles and makes space for me to enter. I shyly smile as I look to my feet to hide the redness of my face and walk in before he closes the door.

"I uh.." I start to stutter.

I look around the room, it's very neat. I remember his home room being neat aswell, glad to know he's a clean person.

"What is it, angel?" He asks lowly as he walks closer to me.

I smile when he tilts my chin up slightly and smirks at me.

He brushes his lips against mine sweetly until I pull away

"I- this can't happen" I state. I'm very unsure but I made sure to sound sure.

He chuckles slightly and looks away then back at me "Why?" He asks cockly.

"Because it's a mistake and I hate you" I blur it out quickly as I look any direction minus his eyes.

"Oh yeah?" He looks straight at mine tho, making me look at his as he smirks.

I can't afford to answer right now. This is slightly killing me inside for fuck sakes.

"I don't think you mean what you said, do you?" He asks teasingly and I turn my head away, he immediately turns it back to him.

"Yeah I didn't think so" He says smirking and I feel myself burning up.

"So, what did you came here for?" He asks intrigued.

What will I come up with now? Because honestly all I want to do is just..

I kiss him, like I mean it. I kiss him eith everything in me because oh god, every problem goes away when i'm with him.

he kisses me back at the same intensity. "So you were just needy hm?" He insinuates in the middle of our kisses and I give him a shame smile

"I came here to stop this" I talk back, kissing him after my phrase

"Great job at that, angel" He whispers in my ear and I breathe out shakely

The things this guy does to me.

"Hey! Tate! You here?" My brother yells from across the door as he knocks non stop.

"This better be fucking worth it" He murmurs as he goes to open the door.

he has to be out of his fucking mind.

What on hell will he say? What motive could I possible have to be here?

"Oh, great. uh.. sis? What are you doing here?"

"She's just being annoying and almost begging for a kiss" He says smirking and my mouth opens and closes when I miss a breath.

"Disgusting Nathaniel, I'd literally kill you man" My brother answers.. he took it as a joke.

Makes sense, Nate always did joke about this.

"well whatever, I just discovered that there's a bar nearby, absolutely filled with hot chicks and-" Leo states and Nate interrupts him "Not really in the mood, but, wanna know something nice?"

"Sure" My brother responds.

Oh what the fuck will Nate say.

"Just today I got down on this girl, and man, let me tell you, she just screamed my name like a theater. I loved it, she was so horny and desperate and I am just too good at what I do"

No way. I am an absolute red dot right now.

"She tasted amazing too, and I kinda think I wanna see her again" He finishes and my brother gives him two slight hits on the shoulder "really? great for you dude"

"I am sure she wasn't desperate, and that she wasn't screaming either" I interrupt and both of their heads snap at me.

Nate has a knowing smirk on his face and Leo just rolls his eyes "Alright feminist, chill out" Leo says and I fake smile at him

"Feminist? I thought they didn't beg, and that girl from earlier.. let me tell you, she begged." Leo chuckles and leaves the room "I'll be down in a second" Nate yells at him and walks closer to me.

"You are an idiot, asshole and very insufferable did you know that?" I readfirm him as his hands slip on my waist

"Yeah? Prove it" He says as his hands go on my butt and squeeze it

"prove what?" I ask him clueless "That you can resist me" He says smirking, as one of his hands go to my pussy and I hold my moan as his movement gets faster

"Ah, nate" I whisper moan on his ear and he chuckles, then taking his hand off me. Making me want, need more.

"I fucking hate you" I tell him as he knocks on the wood door when he leaves "You better knock on some wood too, so you won't manifest. We both know you love to like me" He says and goes downstairs.

I roll my eyes as I leave his room.

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