Chapter 21

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Malcolm sipped at a glass of water, listening to Sophie as the crowd around them thinned.

Her eyes gleamed with enthusiasm while she talked, lost on a tangent about some of her favorite historical trivia.

Enthusiasm and alcohol...

Amused, Malcolm realized that the tables had turned and he might have to be the one that had to cut her off.

"...and, like the century or so after arsenic became commonly available and before they really understood what it did was a wild time."


"It was in everything; wallpaper, clothing, book bindings - I mean, we've got a couple vibrantly green volumes in the Archives that have to be handled with gloves because touching them will contaminate your hands."

Malcolm smirked, captivated by her animated expressions and her unguarded smile.

Sophie continued, "And that's not even touching on how arsenic poisoning basically created life insurance fraud." Shaking her head, she picked up her glass and tipped it back, ice clinking as she drained it dry.

Malcolm watched as she drank, admiring the graceful line of her throat. "Done?"

Sophie set it down on the counter, considering. Glancing over at him, she said, "One more?"

His lips quirked, fighting a smile. "You're asking me?"

She grinned, "I mean, you're the one who's going to have to carry me back to the hotel if I overindulge."

Malcolm's breath hitched as he imagined how she would feel in his arms, her soft curves held tight against him...

His voice was rougher, gruffer when he replied, "Well, if you're okay with me slinging you over my shoulder like a caveman, then go ahead."

Biting her lip, Sophie peeked up at him through her dark lashes.

"If I'm being honest?"


"I think I'd like that."

Malcolm felt something primal spark inside of him, "Really?"

"I don't mind a little caveman behavior," she admitted, sounding coy and slightly bashful.

"Oh?" His blood warmed as possibilities overwhelmed his rational thoughts.


"It's fine in the right context. Like, if I've asked for it, or if you're using it to scare off creeps?"

His lips curved in an involuntary smirk. "So, is this you giving me permission?"

Sophie eyed him, looking intrigued but unsure, "...yes?"

"Sophie," Malcolm leaned closer, breathing in her sweet, delectable scent, "I hope you know what you're asking for..."

Anticipation bloomed within him as he watched her pupils dilate-

-just as the bartender approached, gesturing to Sophie's empty glass. "Another?"

Clearing her throat, Sophie nodded, "Please."

But, as the moment slipped away, Malcolm noticed how she shifted in her seat, crossing her legs as she tried and failed to hide her agitation.

A faint, heady whiff of desire scented the air, scorching his lungs with the sure, certain knowledge that she wanted him.

Picking up his water, Malcolm grinned, victory singing in his veins.

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