chapter 33

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Lei Yuchen could remember it, he was young and many believe with due time he will forget but he remembers being so young. He doesn't remember the stranger's face but he remembers always clinging to his mother as the stranger yells loudly and things shatter and break. When he couldn't hold his mother he closed his eyes sitting in a dark corner covering his ears to shut out the screams and shouts, he remembers how the stranger hated him.

He wants to tell someone but everytime he tries the words don't come out, it was one faithful day when his mother fled from the stranger he met another stranger.

"Yuyu, this is your true father Lei Xiaoli" 

Lei Yuchen hid behind the thighs of his mother as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Give him more time… I'm sure he'll warm up to you soon" 

Lei Yuchen didn't understand what a true father was? What about his brothers? 

"Yuyu, you know you can talk to others now you don't have to worry about anything" 

But Lei Yuchen even if wanted to couldn't speak to others, the fear and anxiety he built up for a long time has already affected him so much he couldn't speak to others.

"This is my son, Lei Yuchen" 

"He had a son?" 

"Was Mr. Lei married?" 

"Yuyu, say hello" 

Lei Yuchen looks at the sea of tall and intimidating characters, and feeling so small the only sounds that left his mouth were quiet cries of a scared child…

"Shhh, you shouldn't cry, I know the people are big and scary but don't cry, come on, let's go get away from the big people together" 

He couldn't talk to this person, but at least this person understands right? His hands were small, his skin was as smooth as a porcelain doll, his eyes were clear and blue as the ocean. This person was not big and scary and he talked a lot but didn't force him to talk.

"My name is Han Siyu but my mommy and daddy call me Yuyu, I heard uncle called you Yuyu too we share the same name so we are both Yuyu!" 

Despite finding it hard to get used to the changes. "Yuyu, come over to my house I want you to see my collection, say k or make any sounds if you agree" 

"... k"

"Hehe! OK!" 

He wasn't as outgoing or playful as the other kids, but he had Yuyu. Yuyu didn't need him to talk much, and didn't blame him as much. The other kids didn't like him like Yuyu did.

"Mommy and daddy are married they married because they love each other, since I love you and you love me let us marry we share the same name after all, it's our couples name" 

It was only just a childish promise, but he treasures it a lot. And he wants to say it too, showing him his messy drawings of them.

"This is us? This could be our family picture, hehe" 

He never thought he'd lose what they had until.

"Lei Yuchen, I don't want to be friends anymore! You're weird, you never say anything and you're always carrying stupid cards! All my friends are saying you're weird!! Be normal, no one wants to be friends with you and they are gonna stop being friends with me because of you" 

Lei Yuchen takes his tablet to show him the words, but Han Siyu just pushes it away causing it to break. Lei Yuchen feels panicky.

"I don't want to hear from a stupid tablet talk!!" 

Han Siyu went and continued stepping on the tablet screen smashing it. Suddenly Han Siyu was yanked away from the broken tablet.

"That's enough Siyu!" Han Yaoting scolds him. "Be compassionate Yuyu, little Yuyu lost his mother" 

It's all Lei Yuchen's fault if only he hadn't driven Han Siyu's friends away if only he could talk like the other kids. Then he would still be friends with Han Siyu, maybe lover. It's all his fault why was he not normal?


After cleaning the kitchen floor thoroughly, he heard the doorbell ring and went to check the peak hold before opening when he saw it was Lei Mingxia he opens letting her in. 

"How is he? Where is he?" She inquires hurriedly.

"He's in bed, I was thinking of ordering some sou—"

"No worries! I've got some, dad gave me some pills, big brother is allergic to aspirins and some others so we have to be careful" she informs.

She walks to the kitchen then takes out several dishes out the bag along with a bowl of hot soup, "I've brought your dinner as well, I know you can't cook so I've brought some so you don't have to rely on orders" 

Han Siyu wants to object but knowing he almost died from his own cooking he remains silent. He looks at Lei Mingxia, one thing he can say is that she cares a lot about her brother. Her life is probably busier than his and she immediately comes to check on him, he himself wouldn't do that so quickly.

Lei Mingxia turns and sees Han Siyu staring at her, she narrows her eyes. "what?" 

"Nothing really, I'm just surprised at how you care about your brother," Han Siyu admits.

"It's only natural, I don't want to take advantage of what could possibly be the last time. I can't help but worry, my brother is a martyr worse he's dating you" 


Han Siyu then smiles, "I can promise you Mingxia I'm not the same as in the past, I know what I did to your mo–" 

"It doesn't matter, it's something that belongs to a dead stranger anyway" she cuts him off.

She gives him the tray with soup, "feed this to him I'll give him the pills after".

Han Siyu didn't appreciate being cut off, he was just about to apologise. But then again can he blame her, he would be salty as hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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