30. The surprise

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"Actually... I have to go back to India"

"NO!" I shouted as soon as I heard that she is going back.

"But why... please don't leave me"

She smiled a little and said, "Baby, actually my cousin is getting married"

"So?" I said.

I know she have to go but still I tried so that she won't go.

She chuckled maybe because of my pout.

"So I have to go. You remember once I told you that my cousins were the only friends I have back in India. They always supported me. And Sarah is my favourite cousin. I can't miss her big day, right?"

I guess I have no choice but to let her go. I sighed.


He sighed. I know its difficult for him but it's difficult for me too.

It's been more than two years since I went back to India. Although I met my parents one time when they came here but still I miss them and India.

"Okay. But when will you go?" He asked.

"Umm.. I will go after two weeks since her wedding is in three weeks."

"But why are you going one week before? You can go one day before the wedding."

He is trying so hard so that I will go only for a few days. He looked cute in this moment. So I kissed his nose which earned a smile from him.

"Babe, in India the wedding ritual starts almost one week before the wedding and I have to buy clothes and all. That's why I have to go earlier."

"Oh..okay..but when will you come?" This question made me nervous as I don't know how to tell him about this.

"Umm... actually... I... actually... I"

He held my hands which calmed me.

I took a deep breath and told him that I will be gone for more than one month.

He was silent and was looking down at our joining hands.

A few minutes later he looked up and smiled.

"It's okay baby. I will wait for you. Enjoy your time in India and dont forget to call me, okay"

I was surprised as how easily he agreed.

"You are not upset?" I asked him.

"No. I know how much you missed your parents. I know it will be hard for me but it's your life, your decision and I will always respect that. No matter what. And it's just one looong month. I will manage."

"Whoa! My cute bunny is mature now. Haha" I said trying to tease him.

"Oh! Lemme show you how mature I am" he said and literally attacked me with his kisses.

O oh! I think I dig my own grave by teasing him.

Those sweet kisses turned into passionate ones which lead us into the bedroom and we made love again.

These days this guys is getting more bold but I love it.

Oh god I am gonna miss him too.


Next day I applied for the leave and they approved it as I have hardly taken any leave since I joined the company.

Bit Na was upset as she also wanted to join me for the wedding when I asked her but couldn't because of the tight schedule. But she asked me to bring an Indian dress for her. Even if she doesn't tell me, I'll get her a dress.

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