51. Custody papers

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"Listen Jungkook. I know whatever I did was wrong but you know I can't live without Ian. Can I-I co-come with y-you? I mean w-we can st-start over, right?" I managed to utter these words confidently but failed miserably.

"Start again?" He laughed sarcastically and looked at me.

"Do you really think that after breaking my heart, you will be able to come back to me, huh? Well, I don't think so. I am taking my son with me and that is final. I am not gonna listen to your bullshit again.

It was you... who broke our beautiful relationship at that time but now... I will be the one who will decide whether to give you a chance or not. And I have already decided that I don't want you in my life ever again. Is that clear?" His words were full of hatred and he was adamant about his decision.

Tears were flowing down from my eyes continuously. I looked at Ian and took him in my arms.

"I am not going to give my son to you. I gave birth to him and he is my son so...he will stay with me. That's it." I said as I am not going to take a step back either.

"I knew that you will do something like this. So I came here prepared." He said and glared at me trying to intimidate me but I couldn't care less. I have to look strong because I can't give up on Ian. He is my life.

He then took out a piece of paper from his jacket's pocket and handed over to me.

My hands were literally shaking and I tried to look confident but again failed miserably.

The moment I saw those papers, my whole world crashed in front of me. The paper that he gave me were of custody.

I know that because of his influential background, he got these papers within two days. But still I couldn't believe my eyes.

I tried to calm myself down but my tears were not stopping and were flowing out of my eyes like a river.

Why? Why only I have to suffer. First I have to leave Jungkook and others who loved me so much and now... My Ian...my baby... I... I have to leave him too? No...no...no... I... I can't.

I looked up at him again with so many emotions but his eyes showed no emotions.

"Please Ju-jungkook... please don't do this to me, huh. I will never repeat the same mistake. I promise. I will do anything for you. I will love you till I die...but please don't take Ian away from me... please... please Jungkook... I beg you..." My tears were not stopping and I was begging him non stop. But he just stood there like he never cared about me.

And that's when I realised that he...he hates me ... he hates me more than he had ever loved me.


She was literally crying when I gave her the custody papers. I know it might be a difficult decision for her but I don't care. If she can take my baby away from me in the past then I can also do that.

There was a time when a lone tear from her eyes pained me but now I really don't care. She did this to herself. Only if she had told me...

I sighed.

"You have 10 minutes to pack his things otherwise I will have to involve the police." I know my tone was harsh but she deserves it.

'Did she?' My subconscious asked me but I shrugged that thought away.

She was still crying so without wasting anytime I went inside the room where I think Ian's clothes and other things were.

I packed few of his clothes and other important things I thought he might need.

I will buy all necessary things when I will go back to Seoul.

I came out of the room and went towards Ian.

She was still crying but when she saw me coming towards Ian, she stood up and came towards me.

"Jun-jungkook please... Please give me one last chance. I promise I won't give you a chance to complain. Please don't take him away... please Jungkook." She said still crying.

For once my heart broke watching her like this but then I remembered what she did in the past and I composed myself.

I can't become weak in a situation like this.

I quickly took Ian into my arms. He was looking at his mother and then at me. He had a sad look on his face maybe because his mother was crying.

"No...no...no...you can't do this to me... Jungkook..." She was saying while wiping her tears but I stopped her in between.

"If you want to hug him one last time you can do that. I won't stop you but don't expect me to be lenient with you." I said in a serious tone.

She looked at me for a whole minute.

There were so many emotions in her eyes which showed how sad and hurt she was.

She then took Ian from my arms and kissed him non stop. Her tears were flowing non stop but she has a sad smile on her face as she was looking at Ian so lovingly. She hugged him tightly.

I looked away as one part of me can't watch her like this even after all what she did to me.

"We have to go now." I declared and immediately took Ian into my arms.

She started crying again and pleaded "Please... Jungkook... don't do this to me. I can't live without him... I will die. Please don't take him away. Please..."

I took his bag in my other hand and started walking towards the door.

When I reached the door, Ian started crying while looking at Rooh. It hurted me too but it all happened because of her one stupid decision.

I looked back for one last time and there is saw her wailing so hard.

"Ian baby we are going for a walk then we will come back, okay?" I tried to pacify him and somehow he stopped crying. It eases my mind. With that I along with Ian left her...just like she did in the past.


I opened the door of our vacation villa and entered inside with Ian in my arms. He is sleeping peacefully.

As I entered I saw all of my hyungs sitting on the couch with Bit Na noona. And yes, I didn't tell them about my decision.

They all were talking about something serious.

Suddenly Bit Na noona looked at my side and she was somehow shocked to see me with Ian.

She immediately stood up and came towards me.

"Is he... Your son?" She asked.

I smiled and nodded my head.

She saw him sleeping peacefully in my arms and smiled.

"Aww ...he is so cute~." She said cutely and I giggled.

Now everyone is standing in front of me.

Namjoon and Yoongi hyung had a disappointed look on their face.

Taehyungie, Jimin and Hobi Hyung were looking at Ian so lovingly. And Jin hyung had a poker face.

"Noona, can you take him to my room and stay with him for a while?" I said to Bit Na noona. She looked at Ian and then back at me then she took him in her arms and went towards my room.

"What is this Jungkook-ah?" Yoongi hyung was the one who asked this question to me.

"I am taking Ian with me back to Seoul." I declared and they all were totally shocked by my confession.

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