Chapter 7: Jimmy Jimmy Coco Puff

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"I've already lost my mind."

Lana Del Rey's angelic voice rang through your ears as you studied for your midterms. You've been pretty stressed recently, with all the coursework and such. But with your friends and Natasha, it's been a little better.

There's only one teensy  problem. Yelena has no idea you've been seeing her sister. And you'd like to keep it that way. Part of you felt guilty for practically betraying her, lying to her saying you're hanging out with one of your girly girlfriends when you're really going on a date with Natasha or sneaking over to her place for a quicky. It's only a matter of time before the blonde Russian finds out, you're dreading that day. 

"Hey." A voice said from next to you. You turned to see your favorite raven haired archer-not like there's many of those-and smiled. "Hey. Been awhile." You said. 

"Yeah, it has been awhile." She responded with suspicion in her voice. "You've been hanging out with Wanda recently." 

"I'm sorry. It's just, we share the same moon cycles so like, we tend to bond more while we moan about cramps together. We've actually tried different flavors of Motrin-"

"Funny, because I never see you with Wanda anywhere I look." The archer cut you off. 

"You've...been stalking me?" 

"Not really just-"

"Oh my god!" You said a little too loudly, granting you a glare from the librarian and a couple other students look up from their laptops and textbook, "You're a psychopath! Are you like obsessed with me or something? Or is it Wanda because I don't blame you there but-"

"No. I've just been curious about where you two have been going recently so I just happen to be at the same location. However, I look all over the place and never see you. Sometimes I see Wanda but she's usually alone or hanging with Darcy. So, you have five seconds to explain yourself before I tell you what I think you've been doing." Holy shit. Stern Kate Bishop is not a force to be reckoned with. 

"Umm, well you see...I've been-"

"Sleeping with Natasha Romanoff?"

"Ugh! Quite cutting me off and, I didn't even get to explain myself!" You whisper shouted. 

"I just saved you from embarrassment you were probably going to say something like 'I was helping feed millions of starving polar bears, traveling to Antarctica.'"

"Okay, wrong. I would've said 'Volunteering at the animal shelter.' but go off." 

"So, you're just ignoring the fact your sleeping with Yelena's sister?" She asked. 

"No, it's just- It's more than just sleeping with her, I really like her. And well, all those times I'm 'out with Wanda' Natasha is actually taking me on these really romantic dates. We're girlfriends now." You explained. Kate nodded slowly, realizing that yeah, it seems like more than just sleeping with the soccer captain. 

"So, I've been dying to ask, how's it feel to get dicked down by Natasha Romanoff?"

"How do you know she has a-"

"Everyone knows, it's why she's so popular amongst the ladies and respected by guys. You know, she's considered an honorary 'homie'." 

"Well, to answer your question...It feels amazing." you gushed. 

"Okay, maybe I regret asking. Anyways, when are you planning to tell Lena?"

"I don't know. Midterms are coming up and we've all been stressed. I know she's going to be upset when she hears this and will probably never speak to me again and beat up her own sister," you rambled, "So I'm gonna wait till Thanksgiving break to tell her the news. Her and Nat both want me to spend Thanksgiving with their family so, I think it'd be a good time." 

"Just be careful, okay? I don't want you to lose your best friend over something like this."

You sighed, "I'll be careful. I promise." 

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