Yes To The Villainess - chapter 15

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Grand Duchess's POV:

I went into my husbands office, leaving my daughter outside. Earlier today, when I heard that my Ally had woken up from her coma I was happy, thrilled even!

I was really happy but me and my husband had bigger issues to settle...

I walked in and sat on one of the sofas, I looked at him with a calm and soft expression "Dear? Why don't you take a break first. You've been very busy lately" I said calmly

He looked up at me and sighed as he lowered down the papers he had in his hands

"You do know that even if you ask sweetly or calmly dear, you will not kill them...yet" he said in a stern but he was obviously nervous on the inside

My smile grew into a more sinister one "but I said yet......." I said as calmly as possible

He sighed and nodded as stood up and walked towards me. He sat down beside me and placed his head on my lap, he closed his eyes and rested while I ruffled his hair gently

"Rest now dear..." I said in a calm and soothing tone "you need it"

Aleris's POV:

I stared at the bag on the bed with a nervous expression, I had never even spend more then 2,000 much more this.....

"My goodness..." I thought, I then sighed and placed a finger on my forehead as I tried to think on how to use it wisely

"I wanted to use it with all my heart's just too much!" My inner self screamed as I grabbed a fistful of my hair and gripped on it tightly

"Ow!-" I quickly removed my hands from my hair and looked at it, my eyes widened a little as I looked at it

My hands had stands of hair...too much strands of hair..I knew that there would be strands of hair since I gripped on my hair tightly but..this is too much to be just from my grip..

My grip might have been tight but not too tight..

" and the original Aleris really are similar...Even when it comes to this.."

A few minutes later...

I sighed out of relief as I looked around "finally...I'm out of my room..." I said as relief washed over me knowing that no one saw or heard me jump off the balcony of my room

"Huh...that's come they didn't hear the bushes?...oh well not my problem now" I thought as I ran towards a secret passage way quietly

"Hehe...found it.."

I opened the door and closed it as I got inside.

Lilian's POV:

After I walked Aleris to her room, I sat down by the bench in the garden. One of the places where we used to hang out before the incident.

As I sat there, I looked up into the sky with a blank expression

After a few seconds I started to fall into a daze until I heard some rustling in the bushes nearby

I stood up quickly and hid behind a bush as I stared at where the sound was coming from

"A...Aleris? What's is she doing out of her room?" I thought as I followed her quietly and secretly

I now find myself following Aleris into...a secret passage?..

This wasn't here before....

I quickly got in before the door had closed and followed her in the shadows quietly

Good thing this passage was dark

Aleris walked for 30 minutes and I followed her in the dark...

Though I was quite shock...I'm Aleris's records she only had a small amount of stamina..

She could only walk for about 10-15 minutes max because of her weak body, how could she walk for 30 minutes?

She opened another door which I think led to the exit of the passage

Aleris went out and I followed, we were now in...the capital?

"Wait...this is...where we met"

Aleris's POV:

I got out of the secret passage and was now in a market place of a sort, I picked the place randomly according to a map that the villainess had secretly

"Ok now I need to go to an ally way..." I mumbled quietly as I looked around

"Aha!" I had found an ally way that's not clearly seen publicly from the people in the market place

I walked towards the Ally way and stood far from the opening, I stood in front of a dead end and took out a little paper with a symbol drawn to it

"Change" I said looking at the little piece of paper, after a few seconds the symbol started to glow and light started to cover my appearance

Suddenly I felt someone push me and I fell onto the ground...painfully

"Ow!" I said as I tried to sit up but could not, someone seemed to be on top of me but I couldn't see her since there were white light covering my whole appearance even my sight

The light started to fade and I was starting to see the person on top of me clearly

"Let's see who I'm about to kick- ah....." my eyes widened when I saw who it was

"Ah...Lilian...wait..LILIAN?!" I was in shock at who it was and it seemed like she was too, I came up with a plan quickly and composed myself

"Ah who are you miss?" I asked calmly

"Ah-..what..." Lilian mumbled under her breath but since she was on top of me and so close I could hear her

Objective: take the fact that our appearance is changed and take it as an advantage, trick Lilian into thinking we're a different person and not Aleris.

"Hmm? Why did you push me suddenly miss?" I asked looking a little confused and panicked

Well in short acted looking a little confused and panicked

Lilian immediately got off me and stood up, she then bowed and apologized

I said to her it was alright and walked off immediately, hopefully it will seem like I was a different person to her...

Lilian's POV:

I followed Aleris to an ally way but I only stayed behind the opening, peeking at what she was doing

She took out something from her bag though I couldn't see what it is since I only could see her back

Suddenly something glowed in front of her and light started to cover her appearance, I started to panic thinking that something was attacking her or maybe even kidnapping her

I ran up to her and well...accidentally pushing her to the ground...

My intention was to grab her hand but since I couldn't see her appearance i accidentally pushed her...

I was now on top of her, after a few seconds the light had disappeared and...wait no...this..isn't her

"Oh no...did I just accidentally jump onto someone and hallucinate that it was Aleris? Oh my god....I'm f*cked up now.." 

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