Yes To The Villainess - Chapter 25

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Aleris's POV:

As I slept..I dreamed of something..someone

I'm not sure who it was wasn't Lilian

They seemed familiar somehow...


From my previous life...


I woke up to noises from outside and sat up, I turned to the balcony in the room

I wondered what the noise was so I stood up and walked towards it

i looked down and saw Hina and Lilian, they seemed to be arguing

"What do you know about her? I've known her longer!" Hina said angrily "Ha. Longer? You only became her personal maid yesterday, stop being delusional Akira." Lilian stated in an angry tone as she glared at Hina

"What the...I know I altered a lot of things in the current timeline of the novel but..I never really thought Lilian would actually call Hina her real name" I thought to myself as I observed silently

Hina glared back at Lilian and began to walk away, Lilian must have said something under her breath for Hina to suddenly turn around and attack her

My eyes widened as I watched Hina "HINA." I said loudly in a strict tone, both of them looked up at me and they're expression changed from an angry to a nervous one

I put on a strict but unreadable expression as I stated down at them "You two, my chambers. Now."

They both nodded quickly, when they arrived i told them to sit down on the couch and they did

I sat across from them and stared at them while they both tried hard not to look at me

I sighed "why were you two arguing so early in the morning?" I asked them

"Well because-" Lilian was about to speak up but Hina interrupted "M'lady! This girl suddenly started to yell at me earlier and called me a b!t€h!" Hina explained with supposedly tears in her eyes

"No I did not! Well...I did call you that but the first part is not true!" Lilian said and turned to me "Aleris, don't believe her. I would never do that, you know that right?"

I looked at both of them back and forth as they started to argue..again

I sighed again "I swear these two are giving me the biggest headache in both of my lives" I stared at them and I had enough

"That's it, you two get out" I told them as both of them looked at me and went quiet

"Oh so now you two stop?" I asked them and they both nodded slowly, i sighed for the 3rd or 4th time today

"You two..I don't know what's going on between you two but please don't argue loudly in the grand duke's duchy, my father wants a peaceful environment here. If you two will argue, I suggest you two leave and take it somewhere else" I firmly told them

They both glared at each other and nodded

"Now, Hina, please escort Lilian out of my room. I need to prepare some things" I said calmly as I stood up and went to my closet

Hina did as I said and the two were out of my room..."phew finally, peace and quiet" I thought to myself as I opened my closet and tried finding a certain dress that would say "Stunning but comfortable"

"Aha found it" I mumbled to myself as I began changing

A few minutes late: after changing

I walked around the garden, admiring the lovely flowers. I came across the big and only tree in the garden here in the duchy, as I got closer I saw Lilian sitting under it

She seemed to be sleeping as she was leaning against the tree "her neck might hurt if she continues to sleep like that" I thought to myself as I walked towards the tree and sat beside Lilian

I gently placed her head on my lap as I softly ruffled her hair, I smiled softly

"Ah...I remember something" I thought to myself

I breath in and out and began to hum a sweet melody

Suddenly Lilian turned to me and hugged my waist, burying her face onto my stomach

This made me force my stomach in as I felt embarrassed how big my chubby I was

Suddenly I heard Lilian groan and mumbled something, I couldn't hear it so I didn't think much of it

I continued humming as I played with her hair gently

A few minutes later...

I began to feel tired, somewhat sleepy even. I yawned and decided to lean back on the tree as I closed my eyes and began to doze off...

Lilian's POV:

As soon as I knew Aleris had fallen asleep, I sat up and sat beside her. I placed her head on my shoulder as I sighed

"My love, I really can't say no to you, you know that right?" I mumbled to myself as I looked at Aleris, sleeping peacefully on my shoulder

I let out a sigh as I continued admiring her, Gosh...if only she knew how much I loved her.

"I'll do anything for you Aleris, even if it means keeping you away from people you love just to protect you." I mumbled quietly as I looked up into the sky

Night time was slowly approaching, I breath in the air one last time before I slowly got up and held Aleris's in my arms, bridal style

I carried her in my arms and made sure she was comfortable, even if I didn't know if she was actually comfortable.

I walked quietly and slowly back into the estate where Aleris stays, I walked quietly as to not wake Aleris up from her slumber

That is the last thing I would want at the moment, after a few minutes. I finally arrived outside her room, I opened her door using magic and let myself in

I placed Aleris gently on her bed and kissed her forehead, I smiled softly as I looked at her

I observed her soft features, her lips looking as soft as ever and her...hah...just her whole face looks kissable...

I just wanna shower her with all the love in the world, I sighed and walked towards her bedroom door

I turned my head towards her

"Your secret will always stay safe with me, m'love."


Lilian said before she left Aleris's room.

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