Yes To The Villainess - chapter 19

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Aleris's POV:

I suddenly woke up and sat up " back hurts"

Why does my back always hurt? Anyways, i looked around. Trying to check my surroundings, it seemed like a warehouse.

"Ah..what a typical place where the 'Villainess' would be placed after getting kidnapped"

I thought to myself as I sighed out, I stared up at the celling and noticed a bunch of pictures of...

"Wait...ME?!" WHAT




"What the..." I mumbled under my breath, suddenly the door knob moved slowly

I quickly turned my head to look at it and the door opened, a figure in the distance. maybe it...or maybe they? Idk let's just call it 'it'...

It was wearing a black hood (why are black hoods common in this story? Idk why 🤷‍♀️)


It was wearing a black hood, so it covered 'it's' face.

It was tall, really tall. I looked up at 'it' and 'it' looked down on me. It then kneeled on one knee in front of me, it seemed to observe me and I just stared at it too.

Seemingly curious, I tilted my head a bit and it followed what I did. "Weird..."

I spoke in a soft spoken voice to not alarm it and well...cause harm to myself "who are you?" I asked nicely

'It's' head stopped tilting and now seemed serious, it spiked in a low voice and tone "Partner."

"Partner?" I said a little confused and more curious, why did it say partner? Is that it's actual name? Or just a nickname?

It nodded, and stood up. It turned around and a little part of 'it's' hood fell back, it reveals his ears.

His flustered ears...."wait what."

"Why is it red...why are its ears't tell me...."

"IT A YANDERE?!" I thought to myself as I looked up at the celling again, I looked at the pictures of me

They seemed to have been taken in private and also these pictures...seem to be from before I was reincarnated into the body of the original Aleris.

"Hah...I hope I'm wrong..."

"Please don't let me encounter a yandere....yet, I'm not ready to die."

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