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I stood still as I all but devoured the contents of the letter that I clutched so tightly in hands.

Rourke's words were sweet and encouraging, it made me miss him so much more than I already did. With a sad smile I gently folded the letter and placed it back in the envelope.

I gave a quick glance around the room, I was in Cassius's study. I had managed to find it with great difficulty. It was clean and neat. Not a single book or document was out of place. I was lucky to have found Rourke's letter sitting right on his desk.

I was annoyed that no effort had been made to give it to me but my unhappy mood had mostly settled after reading my brothers kind words.

"You thief!" someone screeched startling me from my thoughts.

My eyes found a very angered lady standing at the doorway of the Duke's study. She was absolutely gorgeous but her beauty was ruined by the nasty scowl that dawned her red stained lips.

"You dare snoop around Cassius's things." She stormed up to me, her petite form moving gracefully.

"Oh I -" I began but she interrupted me pointing a dainty finger straight to my chest.

"What have taken? Put it back right this instant." The girl demanded.

"I have not taken anything of his. I am just retrieving what is rightfully mine." I defended.

"Nonsense." The girl scoffed before she caught sight of the letter and reached for it.

Her sudden swift movements caught me off guard and she was unfortunately successful in snatching the letter right from my hands.

"I should have you punished for such disrespect." She scolded before reading over the contents of the letter.

"That's private!" I yelled trying to get it back but she held up her hand successfully blocking me.

I do not know who this woman was but she had no right.

"You are correct. It is private." She looked up at me, "Which is why a servant like you should be punished for snooping around."

"A servant?" I could not believe what she was saying but then I looked down at my attire. I was dressed in stained scruffy clothing... I guess she had a point but then again maybe calling me a servant was actually more of a compliment considering I looked significantly worse than one.

"It is astonishing to me that you do not know your place. I will not stand for this disrespect." She glared at me.

"No need to. I'm leaving." I grumbled, I had no more energy left to deal with her as I walked passed her gobsmacked face, I was quick to snatch the letter back.

"Gaurds!" I heard her call as I made my way out but it was too late. I had already dissappeared out of sight.

My day at work was undisturbed but I was still unsettled by the beautiful lady would had confronted me in the Duke's study. I tried to push away the memory and forget about it but it was much to difficult.

I had no idea who she was but she had called the Duke by his first name showing familiarity. That part was eating away at my mind.

Was she a friend? Or was she a lover?

I do not know why the latter bothered me so much. If she was his lover, it would have made perfect sense. She was beautiful and she would look gorgeous at his side. Much better than I ever could...

Why did I care about this?

I scolded myself and reminded myself that it did not matter what Cassius did or how he lived his life, I was only here for Rourke's sake.

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