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"I guess we all have our reasons to be here tonight." Commander Walter gave me a soft yet playful smile as his eyes glinted mischievously.

His gaze then moved past my form and elsewhere into the room. I could see the corners of his eyes widen slightly in recognition.

"Forgive me your Grace, I must unfortunately leave you now for I am needed elsewhere, but I do look forward to meeting you again." He bowed but his smile never faded.

"I look forward to it too." I politely responded.

"So what do you think Commander Walter?" Vaughn took a swig of his beverage once the Commander had left.

"He is nice." I responded after a moment, not really to sure on how to answer.

"Just nice?" Vaughn's eyes widened like I had committed a sin that gravely offended the very earth he walked on, "He is an inspiration you know. Many look up to him. Many want to be like him." Vaughn huffed.

"How adorable. Captain Vaughn wants to be like the Commander." I gently teased, smiling at how embarrassed Vaughn got at my words with his red tinged ears.

"No. It is not like that. I just..." He looked away unable to meet my eyes as he mumbled the next part, "I became a knight because I wanted to be like him when I was just a little boy."

"Like I said, adorable." I smiled.

Vaughn glared at me, "You better not tell a soul."

"I don't see a reason why I would." I reassured, "Besides, who would I tell anyways?" I took a bite of food.

Vaughn frowned, "I do not understand you Dutchess."

"I seem to be hearing those words a lot lately." I joked, "What is there not to understand?"

"I thought a Duchess was supposed to be all prim and proper; someone who was afraid of the tiniest speck of dust. Yet, you stand before me in the dirtiest of clothes in an old tavern in the middle of town far away from any place suitable for someone of your rank. "

I frowned.

It was true...

"Its all for him." I mumbled to myself but Vaughn must have heard me.

"Him?" Vaughn tilted his head to the side.

"Yes." I lifted my head, "My brother."

Vaughn stared at me for a moment, "Now I am even more confused."

I gave an amused smile, "Well then by all means ask away."

I could see Vaughn's expression twist into thought. I could tell he was trying to figure out what exactly he wanted to know first.


"Captain." A young knight addressed interrupting Vaughn, "I apologise for this sudden interruption."

Vaughn looked annoyed at the knight but let him speak nevertheless.

"A few of the knights have gotten into a brawl." The knight looked anxious.

"Who?" Vaughn folded his arms.

"Um..." The knight uncomfortably shifted his weight across his feet, "Deon and Leo against some of the capital knights."

"Those two again." Vaughn frustratedly ran a hand through his hair, "When will they ever learn? Take me to them."

The knight nodded and began leading the way but just as Vaughn was about to follow he shot an apologetic glance over to me, "Forgive me Duchess, I will have to continue this conversation later."

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