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"I'm afraid this is very short notice. For a um..." She looked me over, "Person with her tastes I would need at least a week." She then turned back to Archie, a very much fake apologetic look dancing her features.

I hated to admit it but she had a point. Thanks to Lady Faintree, I became notorious for all the over the top designs that she forced me to get.

"How much will it cost?" Archibald let out an annoyed grunt.

"I'm afraid the young Lord will not be happy with my answer."

"Whatever the price, I will cover it." He countered.

The seamstress seemed to take a moment to contemplate this before giving an unhappy nod.

I was about to protest before I was ushered to the back. I looked over annoyed at Archie who just smiled and gave me a stupid small wave.

"I am not going to have enough time to make your dress from scratch so choose a base off one of these dresses and I will alter it as needed." She folded her arms.

I gave a nod and raked my eyes over the options. If I were Lady Faintree, I would have thrown a fit at her showing me all last season's dresses but I honestly could not be bothered. I did not want to go to some ball anyways but I did owe Archibald so I would suck it up.

My eyes stopped on a navy blue gown. I reached forward to pick it up. The material was soft and the silver details were subtle. It was honestly rather beautiful except  for the ridiculous piece of bright and puffy orange material attached to the hem line so I was about to put it back.

The seamstress did not give me a chance to do so and rushed me off to change into it. Before I could even react I was laced up and pushed out to the front of the shop.

Archie took one look at me and burst out in laughter. The dress was a little to big for me and I'm sure the scowl on my face explained my mood entirely at the situation.

"Stop laughing." I muttered and folded my arms, "I wanted to choose something else when I saw the orange."

"Then get it removed. There is no way I'm going to attend with you looking like that." Archibald responded through laughs.

I turned back to the seamstress who stood behind me, "Excuse me, can -"

"Since the young Lord as requested it, it shall be done." The seamstress interupted.

"I don't know much about gowns but I can clearly see that this one is too big. I am disappointed that you let her come out here without fixing that." Archie frowned, his laughter now subsided.

The seamstress gave a paniced apology and quickly rushed me off again. She made me stand on a wooden platform while she roughly worked on the dress. She did poke me quite a few times with the needles and pins that she was working with.

If I tried to say anything or protest, she would glare at me. I almost yelped as she pricked my side. I knew that it was definitely intentional when I looked back and saw her delighted smile at my misery.

This went on for what felt like hours and the more I would complain, the more she would intentionally hurt me. It was torture.

I hated this. Surely I could have taken off the dress and she could have worked on it that way but she seemed adamant that I needed to have it on.

By the time she was finally done I felt too exhausted to even look in the mirror. I was about to climb off the platform when suddenly an all dressed up Archie appeared in front of me. He must have gone home sometime while I was being prodded around.

"Good grief. You took forever. It seems like you only know how to waste time." He complained as he took my hand to help me. "I must say, your dress looks a hundred times better than before. I actually think that this is the best you have looked in a long while. Why did you not dress like this before?"

I was a bit taken back by his compliment. "Thank you and to answer your question, you should ask Lady Faintree not me."

"Mother really does have strange tastes." Archie chuckled, "But enough of that. If we do not leave in the next few minutes, we will be late. The ball is on the other side of the capital."

"I am sure that we will be fine." I rolled my eyes and walked back to the front of the shop.

Sure enough I could see the sun beginning to set with the late afternoon colours  dancing the skies. Were we really in here for that long? How crazy.

"I need shoes." I glanced up at Archie as I looked down at my feet. "I don't suppose you have a pair hiding in your pockets?"

"My Lord, I took the liberty to prepare a pair of suitable shoes." The seamstress appeared from behind me holding up a pair of matching shoes for the dress. She was only looking at Archibald when I took them from her.

I just sighed and slipped them on. For the first time in a long time, I was wearing a pair of shoes that actually fit me perfectly.

"Thank you." I responded.

The seamstress seemed taken back by this. I guess she was not expecting any form of gratitude from me after all that she had done but I had to admit, even though it had been a painful experience, she had done a decent job and had even gotten the correct shoes.

"Please send the bill to the Faintree household along with her things addressed to me, Archibald, personally and will be sure to pay you in full for your services." Archie spoke over his shoulder as he gently grabbed my arm and walked me to the door.

The last thing that I saw was her giving a quick nod as I was pushed into the Faintree carriage.

"Tell me how much the dress cost and I will pay you back." I looked Archie directly in the eyes as he was seated in front of me.

"Nope." He rolled his eyes, "And don't even think about arguing about it."


"I said no."

I grumbled in defeat and folded my arms. "You know that my hair is a mess and I am not even close to being ready. I have no make up or jewlery on." I changed the subject, "And you still haven't told me what this is all about."

Archie raised an amused eyebrow, "It really does not matter right now and you look fine. Leave your hair down tonight and as for jewlery, I really don't think that anyone will notice. I am surprised that you are so worried about it."

"I'm not." I sighed. "I just have never been to a ball looking like this. I feel so underdressed I guess."

"Like I said, you will be fine. Beside this is a much better improvement than before."

"Thanks I guess. If Lady Faintree had let me, I probably would have looked more like this for every ball or silly event that she made me attend."

"You are still ugly though, do not let it get to your head." Archie rolled his eyes.

"And I almost thought that you had changed." I scoffed and turned away now irritated at his ridiculous comment.

I failed to see the small amused smile on his lips.

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