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My eyes opened to a dim room lit by a torch hanging from the wall. I frantically sat up and looked around. I was in some type of dungeon, locked away. The bars are rusty and the air smelled of dirt. Quickly I pushed my back up against the wall .
The last thing I remember is looking into a face of a monster. One of its eyes was red while the other was green. It had tusk coming from his mouth like a tiger with thick skin that brownish green.  After  looking at it,  everything went dark.
aggressively I rubbed my hands threw My long black hair, panicked. What's weird is that they didnt kill me, instead they've locked me up.
These creatures must have some form of intelligence, no matter how scared I am I have to get them to let me go back home. I will promise them I won't say a word about their existence.

Who would of thought creature's would be living in the city of Fort Cape.  Maybe that man who went missing when I was seven encountered these beast as well. But nobody has seen him for more then 18years.  So what does that mean for me.
I shock my head no, trying to convince myself that the same thing wont happen to me. 

Heavy breathing sounds coming from the cell beside me caught my attention. Slowly I looked up to see bright red eyes looking directly at me. It smiled at me sadistically  revealing its sharp tusks and K9 teeth.  It's feet was bound to the floor with 5 large chains chaining him down to the ground.

I open my mouth to scream but nothing came out, I wanted to run but my where! I didn't dare to blink.

"Y-y-you" I trembled.  It stopped smiling giving me a blank look. It must know English.
"D-do you k-know English." I shakily said.
The beast bursted out laughing. It echoed through the room like a bullhorn. Spit flew out of its mouth as it contiued to laugh at me.
I can hear my heart beat in my ears and my breathing picking up. I've never scene such a terrifying creature. It's nose is flat with short pointy ears.
"What are you!" I screamed.

The sound of  keys turned my attention to my cells. There was another outside my cell. This one seemed different it had on clothes that look like it was made from cotton.
I pushed myself in the far corner preparing myself for what's about to happen.

The beast opened my sell doors and gave me a annoyed look before gesturing his hand out for me to come out.
He looked different from the one in the cell next to me. More civilized. This one was more leaner and a bit shorter from the ones I've encounter so far. Also it doesn't have many tusk coming out its  mouth. It almost looks like it could be a human man if its skin wasn't that color.
"Get up and follow me." It snapped. Its voice is deep and raspy.
They speak English good, but that doesn't make me thrill to follow this creature to gods knows where. Sadly I don't have a choice. If I don't get up, I'm sure it will just carry me out. Hesitantly, I calmly walked over towards him. He began to walk away leaving me to follow behind him.

I was lead through the dungeon passing by beast all shapes and sizes chained up. This must be a jail cell but what I don't understand is why they confined me here as well. Is this where I am going to spending the rest of my life lock away where no one can ever find me.
I can feel the bile in my stoamch starting to rise to the back of my throat. I'm past terrified. I feel like at any given moment I will have a heart attack.
"Hurry up." It grumbled.
I picked up the pace obediently trying not to anger it. He walked through a large door that lead to what looked like inside a fortress.
Lanterns were hung up along side the walls. Illuminating the dark halls. The air was cool and crips causing me to shiver.

As we walked through the halls more of them where wondering around, everyone was dress in odd attire. Some gave me weird looks. Others growled at me.  What are these things? The only thing that pops in my head is a ogre, like shrek.  Lost in my train of thought I didnt even notice it had stop walking.
"Go in he is waiting for you." Without saying another word it walked away leaving me standing in front of door.

What am I suppose to do, just walk into somebodies room. Like I'm so sort of servent or slave!
If I can just find my way out of here I can run back into the forest and try to get back home!
Turning around I looked too see if any beast was around me before I tried to sneak off.
I felt something breathing down my back behind me. before I could turn around I was pulled back and the door shut.
Terrified of what was behind me I stayed  facing the door.

I felt cool air brush against my neck causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand up. It's sniffing me!
"Please don't hurt me!" I pleaded.

"Come over here." It demanded before stepping away from me.
It's voice was husky but pleasant to the ear. Slowly I turned around to face him. There he stood. The same beast I saw in the Forrest. One green eye and one red eye. Built like a pillar he stood there shirtless. His body was a ripped. He was much different from the other beast. He was almost attractive, but still terrifying.
The room is huge. It looked like some type of study with a homemade book shelf's that had books that look like there were from the 1500s. Everything here is old fashion, like they are completely cut off from the world. He sat down in a chair and gestured me to sit in the chair in front of him.

He watched me closely as I walked slowly towards the chair. His face rid of emotion.
I sat down in the pretty large chair. Looking down at my ground.
"What do they call you human?" He asked.
"Rain. My name is Rain. I continued to look down at the ground while fidgeting with my fingers.
"Is that all?"  He softly spoke.
If he's knows I'm human then this could be my chance! He's speaking so nicely to me, but I'm not sure if he has intention to hurt me or not. I hesitantly looked up at him only to find that he is staring intensely at me.  He laid back in his chair with a tired expression on his face.
"What are you?' I crooked my head to the side looking him all over again. He's not so scary looking close up. His eyes are actually beautiful.
"I'm  Xorim The Defier, I'm a Orc. We aren't of your tasteless world."

I can defiantly see that especially with how old everything is around here, but this place is in Fort Cape then why haven't we ever seen them around the city. Do they camafloge?

"Rain, you look like you have something to say. Are you wondering why you have never seen us before."
I nodded my head yes
"You aren't on that place you call earth anymore."

I shot up out the chair horrified. "What do you mean!" I yelled. He sat up in his chair and squinted his eyes.
What he saying cant' be true I was just in the forest! If he haven't taken me I probably would have made it home tonight. Then again if what he's saying true that would also make sense.
"What a Feisty little human." He grinned. "I will make this short and simple for you.  You were transported here, and we are going to find a way to transport you back. You being the first human in 300 years has been the talk of the town for the last few hours, word will spread and orcs will do everything and anything to get to you." He warned. 
His voice was tense making me believe everything he is saying must be true.  I feel more at ease knowing he is going to send me back.

"When can I go back home?'' I asked before  sitting back in the chair. He crossed his big arms and yawned.
"We aren't sure how to send you back yet, since this hasn't happened in such a long time. Rest assured we will get you back home safe." He reassured me.
Seeing how nice he is make me feel bad for crying in his face and passing out before all this. In my defense it was the first time I've seen anything like him.
"Until then you will stay here and become accustomed to this life styled. Oh yes there is one more thing."  He  gave me a devilish looking smile making my skin to crawl.
"Orcs are dangerous, no matter if your in my kingdom, they will still want to see a peak at you, or worse." He took a deep breath rubbing his temples.
"So I have claimed you as my mate."
"What!" I screamed.

The Deviant Orc King & His MateWhere stories live. Discover now