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"Rain, I don't feel comfortable with this. Let me be the one to Assist you."
Softly he planted a kiss on my neck.

It's been about twenty minutes, and we are still going back and forth about this. He isn't to thrilled about me getting help from Xavier but I dont care. Just imagining him as my teacher makes my mind fuzzy. If I'm being honest with myself it would be even harder to focus. Besides Xavier has left before, he has more experience then he does.

"No, he has to be the one to teach me." I protested.
He sighed and took a deep breath while running his fingers threw his wild hair.
"You will be taking Toorgin with you, I don't want you alone with him. I still dont know what his reasons for everything."
A glimmer of worry flashed across his face. I know he's worried about all of this, but honestly I feel relieved.
Not only will I be able to learn how to travel home, I can also come back to Xorim.

Nodding my head I finally gave in.
"Thats fine, as long as Toorgin doesn't interfere with anything." I said while climbing on top of him.

He layed back on the bed with his hands placed around my hips. His big budge is right underneath me. We went at it for hours and he's still wants more, but honestly thats what I love about him, no matter how much we do it he still gets excited because of me. That turns me on even more.

"Whats this?" He said giving me a seductive smile.
"This is the reason right here, why you can't be my teacher." I said laughing into his chest.

Trailing his hands up my stomach, firmly he grabbed my breast in his big hands.
"I don't see anything wrong with this."  He deeply whispered.
Pulling at my nipples I held back my moans, biting on my bottom lip.
"Think of this as a exercise class." flipping me around he hovered over me.
"You know you'd love it." He said before gently kissing my forehead.

Two weeks later.

"No Rain! Focus!" Xavier yelled.
"Would you stop fucking yelling at me! I can't focus like this!" I screamed.
The sounds of snickering from behind me caught my attention. "You to Toorgin!" I spat.

It's been about two weeks since I started training with Xavier, and it hasn't been easy. I knew we were bound to bump heads, but he reminds me of a annoying grandpa even though he still looks kinda young.
So far I learned how to handle some of my powers. I can run fast, faster then the regular human eye can see.
He makes me run for about a hour a day, at full speed. Before I sucked at running but now I can run around this entire fortress in minutes without breaking a sweat.
Xavier thinks I can do better then that, even though I'm even faster then him.
My hearing is super good if I focus enough, but I end up with head aches if I focus to hard.
As for teleporting home, well..

"Try again! Think of the place you want to go and grasps it with all your energy! Try to grab onto it!" He shouted.
"No matter how many times you say it, I will be the same result! I can"t even see my energy!" I argued back!
He sighed.
"Close your eyes and visualize it!  What color is it! What shape is it! Your never going to be able to go anywhere if you can't do this simple thing." He said rubbing his temples.

Swiftly he walked over to Toorgin and pointed to the ground next to him.
"You see this spot right here? All you need to do is think of this spot next to him and use all your power to grasp onto it.
Now try it again!" He angrily demanded.

My eyes met with Toorgins. He looks so annoyed. He can't be more annoyed than I am.
Than again he was ordered to be my baby sitter.
Shaking my head I looked at the floor.
Squinting my eyes shut I focused all of my senses.
Breathing in and out, feeling everything in the room.
The sound of our hearts. The low husky sounds of their breathing.
Slowly a color started to appear. It's a light orange, but its everywhere. It has no shape!
Maybe if I focus a bit more It will start to form.

A rush of wind blew across my face, almost knocking me over but someone quickly put there hand on my back stopping me from falling over. Slowly I opened my eyes. A bulky body stood right infront of me. Hesitantly looking up, my eyes met with Toorgin. His eyes emotionaless stared back at me.
"T-thank you." I stuttered.

His face soften, as he gave me a reassuring nod.
"Thats it!" Xavier enthusiastically said while clapping his hands!
"Next time try to aim for the spot next to him." He spat.
Removing his hand from my back I awkwardly took a step back.
"Yeah sorry about that."
Quickly walking  back over to my chair  I sat slumping back down in the seat.

"Did you see it? What color was it! Did it had sticky ridges or was it round!?" Xavier excitedly asked.
Sighing, I put my hands on my head.
"Well it was a light orange and there was no shape. It was everywhere."

He stop walking giving me a concerning look. "What do you mean it was everywhere?"
"Well all I could see was orange, there was no shape. It was like I was looking a orange wall." I sighed again.
Waiting for a repsonse he didn't say anything. Looking up at him, his face looks petrified.
"What?" I worriedly asked.
He shock his head "Oh its nothing, you did good today kid, lets pick this back up tomorrow." Swiftly he walk out the room not saying another word.
I looked over at Toorgin and gave him a confused look. He shrugged his sholders and walked towards me.
"Is it me or he seems a more weird today" Toorgin laughed.
"Defiantly" I laughed.

I was worried about having to be with Toorgin  because the only thing we ever said up until these classes was just a simple "Hi" but I've learned he's actually a really nice orc. Maybe it's because Xorim ordered him to be, who knows, but it feels like I gained another new friend. 
"Xorim is probably waiting for you, lets go." Gesturing his hand out toward the door.

Taking a pause I sighed again.
I want to go, but Xorim. He's been a lot more on top of me lately, literally. I know that there is a stronger bond between us now, but its crazy. Every time we see each other its like we are both in heat. I don't have any complaints, but I havent really been able to do much. It's just training with Xavier and then straight back to xorim to fuck. I need a change of scenery.

"Can we go somewhere else?"
He crook his head to the side and gave me a worried look. Is there a reason why you don't want to go back to your mate?"
"No its not that, I just wanted a change of scenery." I confessed.
"Hmm, well if you want you can occupany me to the fortress garden." He smiled.

Who would of thought this big buff orc would be takening care of a garden. It's kinda funny but cute. I never pegged  him for the type to care about things like that. I guess every orc here is a bit unique, just like Bogs.  Speaking of him I haven't really seen him in some time, maybe I can go visit him after.
"Yeah I'd love to. Lets go!" I said giving him a big smile.
Getting up out my chair, cheerfully I walked towads the door, right before I could get out, a tall orc stood right infront of me. I know this familiar aura all to well.
"Are you avoiding me now?"  Xorim towered above me Looking down at me with soft doe eyes. I felt a rush of anxious remembering what I had just said. I feel terrible I must have hurt his feeling.
Looking into his eyes my anxiousness faded. Maybe its my power I'm not sure, but I can read his eyes well. If we were alone right now he would devour me in a second.
Grabbing my chin he leaned down towards me. "You'd rather be with Torgin than me?" His eyes glowed.

I hope you guys are having a great day! Make sure you be safe out there and enjoy your holidays! ❤️

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