The Healing

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Theme: Mental Health In Islam/ Healing through Quran

Article: One shot.

Inscription: The difference that Mental Health can cause.


The lights were on even at quarter past midnight as all the members of the family sat in the living room with their mobile phones in their hands. She looked around to see anyone from the family of five available to listen to her cries, her complaints. But there was no one. Never was. And never will. Her mind and heart, fighting their own battle, to prevent her soul from gathering into a balloon of depression. 

She was so engrossed in her own misery that she forgot that her brother, who needed the same attention from her or someone close to him, was neglected too. The same brother who was bullied by his classmates because of his anxiety disorder, which was still unknown to his family. No one noticed that her cute little, chubby brother was getting malnourished day by day.

In the same house, the upstairs room was occupied by her sister alone who will talk to her friends all night long neglecting proper sleep schedule which will end up in concealing her dark circles in the morning.

Her mother was engrossed in a movie that played on the common television, which she could literally see will result in a fight between her parents. Probably, over a piety issue like how her father had never bought a bouquet for her to express his love.

And then comes her father, who was so engrossed in his mobile alongside occasional business calls, that she knew if she talked to him, she would be ignored and it would hurt more, so there was no chance she was gonna take to clog all those messed up thoughts in her brain where there wasn't literally any space for now.

And she sighed, as it wasn't a first for her. Neither was the last. Nor could she do anything to bring change. Sometimes she gets envious of her friends for having their loved ones standing like a pillar around them in hardships. But alas…she could only wonder. Wonder about a perfect picture of a family.


Sitting in a criss-cross position to make herself comfortable for Dhikr and Dua after finishing her Tahajjud Salah, she sighed in contentment. Waking up in the middle of the night is not at all easy. Especially when you had a very bad habit of sleeping late. But she realised it is all worth it, when she bows down in prostration in front of The Almighty, when she speaks out the deepest secret and regret to her Lord, it will always be worth all the difficulties.

"O mankind, there has come to you instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers.” [Quran 10:57]

Truely, Allah has given a solution to all the problems.

When she came out of her room after Fajr Salah, she was met with a beautiful sight. Her mother was reciting an ayat of the Quran and explaining its tafseer while her siblings and father listened to her like a toddler curious to know more and more. Her eyes filled with tears, remembering the once house, for which she would fight with herself for coming back in the evening felt like home now. Just two different words for the same thing, but a different feeling.

Her brother was no longer possessing any anxiety, all thanks to Allah SWT. He has dealt with all the bullies of his class before changing his school for good all by himself. Her cute little brother with chubby cheeks was back. Pulling his cheeks with her fingers and thumb she sat beside him, who immediately kept his head in her lap and motioned her hands to massage his scalp. A little gesture, but it had a very huge place in her heart. Because, if someone had said to her somewhat six months back that she would be having such a quality time with her family after six months, she would have again gone into depression thinking this wasn't possible. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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