014.  surviving a broken nail, oh and the outback

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"ALRIGHT ITS TEAM BETA, mikey and sharky." the girl introduced as the two sat on a log in front of the camera.

sharky was waving with a smile, "hi." he finally stated.

mikey couldn't help but side-eye him.

"sorry, he was dropped as a baby." michelle patted his head with a fake frown.

"wh-what do you want me to say?" he grumbles pushing her hand away.

"alright cut the cameras!" she points with a groan as they cut it.

giving the interview another try.

"we got the knowledge, we got the strength." she points to herself with a bright smile.

"and... we got the tiktok dances." she points awkwardly to sharky.

his eyes become wide with annoyance nudging her roughly.

"oh sorry!" mikey yelps.

"and we got um.. the looks?" she says in more of a question type noticing how he changed his posture.

"i'll take it!" sharky yells with a happy thumbs up.

it was silence.

"we got this." mikey nods her head proudly.

"we're screwed." sharky disagreed straight away.

"yeah.." mikey trails off realizing she didn't even agree with herself.

the camera cuts again going to chunkz and niko, then to sharky and mikey in the car to their checkpoint.

"ahh!" michelle whines laying her head on the leather seat.

"i feel like this is how it's gonna go for the whole trip." sharky indicated to the blonde.

"i'm already tired." she itched her eye.

"we haven't even started walking yet." sharky furrows her brows.

"i know but the walk to the car was risky." her head turns to sharky who just shook his with amusement.

"i hate aj and kenny." mikey clicks her tongue.

"two pricks." sharky added to her statement.

"i'm going to step on every rat i see, i swear." the girl informed the rest while crossing her arms.

sharky lets out a laugh, gazing at her while chewing his gum.

the camera cut.

"what the fuck?" the duo says in unison getting out of the car and seeing.. nothing.

they were literally in the middle of nowhere.

"oh my word." sharky gawked at the mountains surrounding them.

"that is beautiful though," he adds with a small smile.

"just like me right?" mikey giggles looking at him.

he rolls his eyes with an annoyed groan hitting her ears.

mikey rolls her eyes beginning to walk away and take a better look before saying.

"won't be that beautiful when we've got to walk over them."

sharky wished he didn't agree with her statement but he did and he already felt tired.

"goodbye." michelle waves sadly at the car as it left them.

"tell my mum i love her." the blonde fake sobbed.

"don't cry." sharky grins patting her shoulder with fake sympathy.

michelle didn't answer just sending him a glare making the boy retreat his hand slowly back.

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