016. eggs and jam definitely dont go well together

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"WHATS UP BITCHES!" mikey screams to the camera.

then it was cut to playing the intro to her own personal youtube channel.

"alright we're gonna-" mikey cut herself off when sharky grabbed her shoulder abruptly his other hand on his chest.

"i thought i died for a second." his eyes widen letting out a loud burp.

"ugh! gross sharky!" mikey screams pushing him off her and making him giggle.

she turns back to the lens.

"we're gonna try weird, fun, goofy, quirky, and spectacular food combos that u found online." the blonde explains with a smile.

the camera cuts to her setting everything on the kitchen table and sharky talking.

"this is gonna be bad.. cause mikey's the type to only eat chicken nuggets."

the boy talked while rolling his eyes.

"true. i'm a very picky eater." mikey nodded looking up and walking back over to him.

"so first we have, a peanut butter and pickle sandwich!"

they present the half of the cut-up sandwich in both their hands, disgust on their face.

"i like peanut butter and i like pickles but i don't know about them being together." sharky gagged.

"This feels so american." mikey added on smelling it.

sharky side eying mikey with a squint in his face.

"i watched her make it and then i watched her gag," he informed with a grossed-out shiver.

the camera cuts.

"okay, three, two, one!"

and with that, the two had taken a very crunchy bite out of it.

it took the pair a second to start chewing their eyes watering at the sourness of the pickle.

both of them flaring their nostrils.

suddenly sharky holds his hand under his mouth sprinting.

"i'm gonna vomit!" his voice screams going to the bin.

opening it and spitting the bite out.

mikey stood with a concentrated face, as if not knowing what she was eating.

"it's actually not that bad." she shrugged.

sharky looks at her as if she's crazy.

"not that bad? i feel like i ate a frog." he rubbed his stomach with disgust.

mikey swallows the bite then surprisingly but hesitantly takes another one.

the boy's eyes widen and his jaw goes slack.

"right. your mental, i know your breath is horrid." his hands fly in the air seeing her smirk.

the girl then turns to him with a sneaky grin.

"you want a kiss sharky." she walks closer holding her hands out as he backs away.

"no mikey." sharky scolds the girl stepping far from her.

"i just want to give you a kiss on the cheek." the blonde starts speed walking over.

the peanut butter-covered lips puckering up and suddenly sharky was running away from her.

and screaming like a little kid.

the camera cuts.

"aj is joining." the short boy was standing next to sharky while waving as mikey announced.

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