Chapter 2 - Nicolas

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It's a beautiful morning. 

I'd gotten my three children up, dressed, fed, and while the older two were headed for school by bus, I dropped the youngest off at daycare.

I was told of the liberated children from last night, but thankfully, I am not on task for those.

Alpha Three was in charge of that mission, and I know she will need me today. Knowing what I will put her through makes my heart ache, but she needs me to help her sort out her feelings and repressed memories. I'm sure she had a rough night.

As I go to the local coffee shop, my instincts tell me I'm being watched. I immediately followed standard procedure and contacted the Delta team to which I was assigned.

"Gamma One to Delta Four, I'm being followed."

"Understood, Gamma One. I'm getting you on camera now. Betas in your area are being notified."

I pulled my senses to watch around me while walking normally. I could feel someone about five stores ahead of me, closing in.

"Delta Four, I have one person coming towards me..."

Shooting pain on the back side of my right shoulder cut me off. It seems the man coming toward me is not working alone. Within a few heartbeats, I realized I could no longer mindlink and was falling to my knees.

If the tranquilizer dart was strong enough to immobilize me this quickly, it was strong enough to kill me. Only specific chemical mixes will work on wolves; of those, just a few work on Mahani.

My thoughts immediately went to my children. They had just lost their birth parents, and now they would lose me too. I need to keep my head up until help arrives. Staying alive until the Betas could get to me became my top priority.

Even though my senses were now paralyzed, the man approaching me stood out simply because we'd met before.


"I'm sorry, Blood Alpha, but I have a mate out there, and until they reject me or I am older, the mate bond won't allow me to take another."

He didn't want to hear that, but I wasn't interested in him anyway. While there are many same sex couples within the Mahani, and even a few triads, I prefer females.

"You are truly saying NO to a Blood Alpha?!"

"I'm sorry, Blood Alpha, but the answer is no," I said politely but firmly.

My Blood Alpha was not here, but the Betas on this mission were, and I was ushered out of the room quickly. I could hear him and his brothers yelling at the Betas. He didn't take the news well.


We all knew that Alpha was close to being evil, but he had yet to step over the line, so there wasn't anything we could do but watch him. That was four months ago, and he had seemed to move on to others.

Since his brother picked me up and walked away, I knew I was in trouble. My eyes were open, and I could see and register everything around me, but I couldn't react or let my people know what was happening.

A human woman had stopped when I fell to my knees on the street. The brother told her we were meeting, as I hadn't been feeling well. She believes he is taking me for medical treatment.

The irony is that without medical treatment, I am going to die. I'm sure the dart was grabbed quickly and removed before she saw it. It didn't matter; the dose they gave me was too high.

I was put into the back seat of a car roughly. I could only see the back of the front seat, but it was only seconds before we were moving.

After what felt like an hour but was indeed only a minute or two, the car stopped. I was again roughly grabbed and moved into a van. I was tossed onto a mattress that took up the whole back of the vehicle.

I instinctively knew what was coming and why I had been given such a hefty dose of the drugs. He needed me conscious but unable to fight back as he would force a mate bond by raping me while giving me a mating mark. This was a wrong move on his part.

While this practice is banned through most packs, the Blood Alphas still get away with doing it. But this one did not do his homework because anyone who has studied the Mahani knows we can easily prevent a forced mate bond from forming. It's one of the many powers we have. I feel myself starting to fade out, but I know I must stay awake for this nightmare. I can quickly stop the bond from forming by rejecting the wolf of the human.

As I feel the man ripping my clothes, I start chanting in my head.

I reject you.
I reject you.
I reject you.

It was getting harder to do as the pain hit, and my emotions at what was happening to me spiraled out of control, but I knew help was on the way.

I reject you!
I reject you!
I reject you!

I need to think of my children and my mate. Oh no! My mate! She's going to be in so much pain over this! Please be strong, love!


The back doors of the van suddenly ripped open. The Blood Alpha's brothers attempted to tackle the Betas as I was marked.


"Why can't I feel the mate bond!" the Blood Alpha screamed in my face.

"Because he rejected you." the Beta stated before pulling him off me and quickly knocking him out.

"Hold on, Nicolas! The medical team is on the way!"

Inside my head, I'm crying while still chanting. I will live another day, but the damage done will last a lifetime.


Poor Nicolas. 

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