Chapter 47 - Kayla

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I awoke this morning thinking it must all be a dream. There is no way I could be this blessed. But it's real. I still can't believe it. I have a family of my own and some new powers that I need to learn how to control.

As Nicolas and I walked away from the center training field last night, I was overwhelmed by the thoughts hitting me that weren't mine. It felt like the mindlink had gone wild. He quickly reminded me to 'put up a wall,' as they call it. He had worked with me for the last couple of days until I could do it without his help.

The basic Mahani powers that had taken some time to get used to are now enhanced. Supposedly, the pain I could somewhat sense in others is stronger, and because of my mate's enhanced abilities, I can hear the thoughts of others.

I used my wolf senses to check where the children were and was shocked that I could see them in each room and physically see their heartbeat and breathing. They were still asleep. Wow.

"Having fun?" Nicolas failed to say that with a straight face and chuckled when I stuck my tongue out at him.

"What's on the agenda for today?" I asked as I tilted my head, looking into his face from our cuddling position.

"Well, Lachlan and Grace will be leaving today, so we need to see if our help is needed while they are gone. You must also test your new abilities by visiting the girl Keith helped save. Her name is Aubrey." His face turned to mine as he reached for a quick kiss, as I had my face right below his shoulder.

We cuddled for a bit longer before Sydney woke up. That child is an early bird. The daycare workers love her, and Will and Debra are settling in too, joining the other pups for play and sports.

I could not be happier that my pack quickly accepted my mate and new family. While it's true that a few were against the mix of Mahani with the pack, after some interactions with Nicolas, they are grudgingly accepting them.

After Debra and Sydney were sent off on their day, we took Will to the library and set him up in a quiet room with his computer, headphones, and snacks. The librarian is there if he needs anything, and he will come to the kitchens for lunch.

I tried to sit with him once but soon realized I couldn't understand most of what he was doing. It's much more complicated than anything I learned in school.

After the three kids were situated, we searched for Lachlan and his mate. Their scent led to the side entrance, where I was surprised to see Blood Alpha Sinclair and Cooper by the door.

"Good day to you both, Blood Alphas," my handsome mate said as he nodded to them. I know it wasn't polite, but I didn't greet them. My mind couldn't make sense of what I was seeing.

A wolf the size of a mid-range car was on its back, while a puppy was on its belly, growling at him playfully.

Suddenly, the puppy grew, and its red fur rippled like it was aflame before settling. It was smaller than an Omega, not much bigger than a wild wolf.

"She has two wolves?!" I exclaimed as everyone turned to me, including my brother and Grace.

"One is a transformation. It's still the same wolf; it just has the power to become bigger when needed." Blood Alpha Cooper informed me.

Grace jumped down and slowly walked over to us. When she nosed my hand, I petted her. She was warm but not uncomfortably so.

Once I gave her a few scrubs along her fur, she returned to her mate, running a few steps before jumping into the air. She landed on his back in human form.

This is the first time I've seen someone shift so quickly.

"It's in our training," my mate said in my head.

"You can shift that fast?"

"When needed. I don't normally have to, though." His response baffled me. Why would he have to?

"Don't even think about it." Blood Alpha Cooper said, looking to Grace, who had a smirk on her face.

She slid off Lachlan, and between one step and the next, she was her bigger wolf, the transformation. She launched herself at my mate, who dodged her while also shifting. Thanks to the mate bond, he was now the same size as Lachlan and me.

Each time she went to jump on him, he jumped over her. It looked like a cross between leapfrog and keep away. As I giggled, Lachlan yawned loudly, and she went running to him, shifting back to her puppy and circling his legs.

They are so cute together.

"Do you need help with Lachlan's duties while he is gone?" Nicolas asked after he shifted back.

"We have an Interpack meeting in three days. Kayla, could you stand in as my temporary second?"

I was honored as well as dumbfounded. Could I? I've hidden from them for so long. My wolf stood tall in my mind. She always allowed my human self to hide, but she was ready to show all of the world the Alpha that she was. I agree with her. I'm done hiding.


After saying our goodbyes, we headed to the infirmary.

"Remember your walls. I'm not going to warn you of anything going on. I want you to let things in slowly and see how you do. If it becomes too much, I'll get you out of the room." Nicolas initially vetoed me meeting Aubrey, but I wanted to meet the first person Keith has ever connected with.

I could feel her pain as we approached the room, even though I had put up the mind block as instructed.

"Her pain is thick. Am I doing something wrong? We haven't even entered the room." I used the mate bond to show my confusion.

"No, love. Her pain is that strong." I could feel his heart hurting for this girl. As we entered, I was shocked at how beat up she was. Luna Lily was in the room, as well as Keith.

"Good day to you both," the Luna said softly as the girl shrank in on herself.

"It's okay, Aubrey. This is my sister Kayla and her mate, Nicolas. He's a Gamma and will be working with you." Keith's voice was soft, and the words were said with hope. I have a feeling my mate was just volunteered for this duty as Keith's eyes were pleading.

"Hi, Aubrey." Nicolas seemed to be studying her every reaction. I slowly heightened my senses and was slammed with a distinct combination of pain and fury. Her human may be hurting, but her wolf was pissed.

A movement caught my eye. My brother had her hand in his and was moving his thumb across it. I glanced back up and saw his eyes glued to Nicolas. I pushed my new abilities to concentrate on my brother instead of Aubrey and was shocked at what I saw.

He's chosen a mate.


Please add my story to your public reading list! I find most of my good reads from those. -- April

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