Priest Wally X Demon Y/n (4)

382 17 4

July 28|2023

The pain was unbearable, it always was. Everyday Father Wally would come down to your little room and recite a passage from the skin bound book, and he'd splash you with holy water.

You gasped for air and slowly stopped crying once the holy water had evaporated from your burning skin,
"Please. . . Stop. . ." You felt weak, and you knew it wouldn't be long before he succeeded in turning you human. Father Wally kneeled in front of you and lifted your chin to meet his eyes, dark, secretive, sorrowful.

"I know it hurts, Y/n," You highly doubted he knew how much pain you were in,
"But it's for the both of us, don't you want to be with me?" Tears pricked the corners of your eyes, and you took a deep breath in.

"Yes," Father Wally smiled,
"But you're not the same Priest I fell in love with." His smile was gone, and he narrowed his eyes.

You softly yelped as his grip changed, his fingers dug into the sides of your face and he leaned in, his eyes flaring with anger.
"I don't care." The tears fell from your eyes and slid down your cheeks, with his other hand he gently wiped them away.

His grip on your face softened, but your cheeks still hurt from where his nails dug into your skin,
"You have no idea how beautiful you are." You let out a huff, and Father Wally sat back giving you space.

"Yeah right, I look like a sewer rat." Your hair was frizzy but free of tangles, Father Wally loved your hair and brushed it twice a day, a strange show of love but you didn't mind you'd rather not have a tangled mess.

After the first day of you being trapped in the small room, Father Wally had come back with a change of clothes for you and made you change.

It was awkward, the only other 'person' who had seen your body was your chambermaid Autumn, and she would turn around or keep her eyes closed, Father Wally didn't.

His logic was he didn't want you tearing off fabric to later use to try and kill him, the thought crossed your mind after he explained his reasoning. You could kill him, but you didn't want to. He may not be the same, but he was still Wally, and you couldn't kill him.

You had to ask him for help in getting the back of the corset undone, you hated to admit it but you loved the feeling of his hands on your body. Thanatos was gentle, but Father Wally's touch was soft like angel feathers.

He had given you a simple while dress and shorts, and had taken the large dress with him when he left. You didn't have any shoes on, as that was what Autumn had gone to go grab when Father Wally summoned you.

I hope she's alright, I hope Nyx and Thanatos don't blame her for leaving me alone.

"I haven't showered either, in. . ." You realized you had no idea how long you had been Father Wally's captive, Do they even know I'm gone?
"Don't worry, you don't smell and when you're human I'll take you upstairs." Your ears perked up at the thought of being able to leave this tiny dark room, but you were terrified at becoming human.

"Father Wally," He gave a soft hum and you continued, tracing your fingers in the indents of the concrete,
"You know I might not remember anything-" Father Wally nodded,
"I read." There was a sadness in his voice, though he didn't show it in his expression you could hear it in his voice.

He doesnt want me to lose my memories, this confused you, and you spoke your thoughts out loud,
"You want me to remember? Wouldn't it be better if I didn't? You could tell me we were married and I'd believe you." You hadn't meant to voice your thoughts, and Father Wally shrugged and shook his head.

"I don't know if I could lie to you, memories or not, I know I want you with me." Father Wally gave a sad smile and you couldn't help but return it. You let your eyes wander down to his lips, and you felt your heart start racing as Father Wally smirked.

You felt your cheeks start to burn and you locked eyes with him, you still loved him, even after the pain of him yelling for you to get out, the burn of holy water thrown at your face and body, you still loved him.

You leaned in and let your eyes flutter closed, you felt his breath against your face and felt your lips connect, and you were softly pushed back.

You opened your eyes and saw he held up his hand, his fingers pressed against your lips, he had a sad smile,
"Sorry, Y/n, not just yet." You pushed his hand from your face and trurned away.

"Right, demon, human, eternal damnation." You brought your knees to your chest and rested your head across your arms,
"It's not just that, Y/n," You gave him a questioning look and burried your face in your arms again, he continued.

"You age differently, I would grow old and you'd still be as young as the day we met," He's not wrong about that,
"And when I die, yes I will live the rest of eternity suffering, but you'd be all alone." You lifted your head and stared at him.

"You don't want me to be alone?" He gave a soft nod and added,
"I want to be with you in life, in death, and in the afterlife."

"Only humans get to go to the afterlife. . . that's why you. . ." You unfurled from your balled up position and crawled over to Father Wally, before he could say anything you thew your arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug.

He doesn't want me to be alone, he wants a life with me, he wants to go to the afterlife with me, he's doing this for me, You hadn't realized you were crying, and you didn't care that you were. Father Wally held you as you cried, and softly hummed as he ran his hand through your hair.

"Finish the transformation, today." Father Wally almost hadn't heard you, and when he registered your words he only said one word,
"Alright." You stayed in his arms until you fell asleep, and Father Wally held you for a while longer before he gently laid you down on the floor.

He stood and walked out of the pentagram, he walked over to his alter. He had everything he needed, he looked over to your sleeping form, you had been exhausted over the last few days growing weaker from slowly transitioning from demon to human.

Father Wally gently smiled and decided to let you sleep for a while before he started the rest of the transition.


Your screams would haunt Father Wally for the rest of his days, but as he held your shaking, bloody, body he felt relief. You were human, and you were his. Father Wally held you for hours, listening to you breathe and listening to your heartbeat.

You softly stirred and Father Wally look down and gently smiled,
"Hello dear," His voice was slightly raspy, having to yell the ancient words over your screams, You gave a soft smile.

"Father Wally," Father Wally let out a gentle laugh, and brushed away some of your hair from your face,
"So you do remember." Your face twisted in confusion and Father Wally held his breath.

"Silly Priest, who could forget such a handsome face." Your body ached but you lifted your arm and gently cupped his face in your hand, Father Wally let out a chuckle.

"Don't scare me like that," You smiled and softly rubbed Wally's cheek with your thumb and hummed,
"So, are we just gonna stare at each other, or are you going to kiss me already?" He gave another chuckle and gently lifted you, and he leaned down and pressed his lips against yours.

July 29|2023

July 29|2023

I'm running out of ideas someone request something (yes there will be a part 5), don't forget to vote :3

Spread the spores,

-~1395 Words~-

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