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I sat on the worn-out mattress, feeling exhausted. I glanced at Eduardo who was staring at the bed, no doubt not a fan of its conditions.

"I am sure Collins is waiting for us, he did say he would prepare something for us."

I stood and walked out of the small room, people moved around the shelter and I quietly moved forward to the main hall where Collins was still sitting.

"Aviva," I stopped and glanced at Eduardo, "look, we are leaving here tomorrow, we cannot get attached to anyone, I know people here seem pretty nice but remember why we are here."

I frown, he did not have to remind me, I was there because of Rio and him. Their stupid fight led me to stay in a homeless shelter, and if trying to remain optimistic made him feel some type of way then I did not know what to do.

"I am just gonna ignore what you just said," I mumbled and walked off. Was he serious? After everything that has happened to us in the last two weeks. How did I even get myself mixed up with this kind of person?

"Collins," Collins looked up at me, he smiled and walked toward me, glancing at Eduardo. "I hope you kept the leftovers for us?" I asked with my fake sweet smile.

"Of course, here," he brought out a small plastic box fixed with muffins and cupcakes. I accepted it with a water bottle and turned to Eduardo who stared at the food with obvious displeasure.

"Let's go." I snapped at him. I did not need to see his unhappiness about our state, he put on in this position and he could only blame himself for the show we were experiencing. I mean look at myself, a nurse, in a homeless shelter in another state with nothing to her name, I had barely eaten anything so the asshole can fuck himself.

I entered the room and glanced at another family making a bed from two single mattresses, There was a big family so it was going to contain them but at the moment we had little choice. I just prayed that Eduardo's people come early tomorrow morning. We needed all the help we could get, I wanted to go back home to my family.

I sat on the bed, staring at the older woman and her children. They were making the bed ticker, this was not their first time in a homeless shelter I presumed. I sat on the dirty bed and Eduardo entered still with almost no expression on his face. He sat next to me and I handed him a muffin and water, we said nothing to each other and we just enjoyed the silence. I noticed that his gun was well concealed.

Good for him, the homeless shelter employees were going to go berserk if they found out he had a gun. I rubbed my sweaty head not living that I was so desensitized to see so much that I was not fazed by a gun anymore. I had seen so many guns and armed men these last few days that it was not good for me but I had no choice in the matter, after everything that had happened, Eduardo had been keeping us alive and I had to thank him for that, even though he put me in this position in the first place.

"How do you want us to do the sleeping thing?" he finally spoke up, I glanced his way and looked at the dirty bed. I didn't know what I wanted but we had to sleep regardless. The bed was tiny, and Eduardo was a bug man, sleeping in that man would mean squeezing into it but what choice did we have?

"I am not sure, but we have to fit in the bed somehow," I muttered not convinced by my own words. He stared at me and then glanced at the bee.

"We can always ask for another bed." I shook my head, "We have no choice, Eduardo, they are already doing us so much favour, I noticed the number of people in the shelter, we are a lot. Beggars cannot be choosers."

He clenched his jaw but said nothing, "So how do you intend on sleeping? I do not believe you would want me in your personal space?" he inquired but I shrugged.

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