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I woke up pretty late and freshly fucked, to my surprise Eduardo was still in the room with me. He must have been exhausted from the night before. He was the one that instead of going over and over again. He was insatiable.

I didn't know what kind of stamina he had but it could rival a stallion's stamina. He was amazing in bed, and after was even better, the way he took care of me and showered me with care and attention was super dope. I fell asleep after a quick shower, he wore me out.

I pulled off the duvet picked my phone up, and checked all my notifications. There was nothing, except my timer. I sat up, allowing the duvet to fall on my lap, leaving my chest open and bare. I yawned, tiredly deciding, to open the curtains.

As I opened it, I looked at the view from his room, it was amazing. I stared at it for God knows how long, and I heard footsteps behind my back, "Baby," he muttered, taking my waist.

"Good morning," I said, turning back to him. I leaned up and pressed my lips against him. He circled my waist, leaning more into our kiss. I felt like energy and pleasure coarse through me.

I pulled away, "why are you up? You should sleep more?" he asked me, and I shrugged. "I don't feel like it anymore. I am very hungry," I said.

"I will ask Lisa to get you something to eat. I will be back," he pecked my lips and walked away.

I wiped my lips away and adjusted my gown, I shifted it up my thighs to make it even sluttier, Eduardo promised me another date since the last one was not nice. He asked me to dress up very nicely and I did, I made sure I did.

I took my clutch from the table and walked toward the door to my room, Mikel was standing with me, he looked me over but left mute. He followed me and we walked to the living area, of Eduardo's mansion.

Eduardo was standing there, in a black suit and black shirt. I walked to him and took his arm, "hey, are you ready?" he looked me over and smiled, "you look exquisite," he muttered, and kissed my temple.

"Shall we?" he asked and I muttered a yes, and we walked out of the house.

The restaurant was beautiful, to say the least, it was super fancy bougie. Chanderilas, fancy setting, long curtains, a pianist, playing in the middle of the room. Eduardo approached the waitress, who was also dressed very fancily. I looked around at the people sitting and talking in hush whispers. They seemed super classy and very rich.

"Right away sir," I heard the waitress say. We followed her up the stairs, the security following us was a little bit too much but I knew Eduardo was just trying to protect us and I was thankful.

"Right here sir," I looked at the waitress, "I will be right back," she said.

Eduardo opened the chair for me while Mikel and CJ stood behind me, I was shown looking around. I saw many guests glance at our table and I knew they were curious and wondering who Eduardo was. Eduardo didn't seem to notice it if he did, he did not care.

The waitress came back with two menus, she handed Eduardo one and Me another, I noticed that mine didn't have any price list on it. I have been to some pretty fancy restaurants in New York but nothing of this sort usually happens. I looked through the entire menu and realized that I barely understood anything that was written down. I was sure it was written down in the Italian language.

"What do you want to eat baby?" I turned back to Eduardo and shrugged, "I do not sure, I do not any of this meal," I said, my eyes scanning through the menu again. It sounded very Porsche and exclusive.

"Well, I have been here once and they have exquisite wine. I will help you order, is that okay with you baby?"

I nodded, I didn't have a problem with ordering. He clicked his finger and the waitress walked back out, "hello, or, are you ready to order?"

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