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I stared at her eyes, she was scared, scared of my reaction and what I would do. I already found out from the hospital that she was pregnant with my child, and I was elated. I never truly thought much about having a child.

I was too busy running my empire, I wanted to be the right mother for my child so I always used protection no matter what. It was not the first time someone I slept with would claim that she was carrying my child. I would ask for a DNA test but nothing would amount to it, but now, I knew that there was no question as to the paternity of my child.

My child was growing in her, and it still felt surreal. I felt so happy thinking about it. A child that I helped create, it felt like I was floating. I took her hand and smiled, just to reassure her that there was nothing wrong. I was stupid once to kick them out and it was my fault not only David sent that bastard to attack and almost kill her but Donald kidnapped her.

Once again I felt so incompetent about keeping her safe. Mikel had taken his punishment appropriately. He was now serving as a guard in Colombia for one of our many drug trades. I was going to kill him but Carlos begged for mercy which was unlike him.

"I know you are pregnant Aviva," I said, and started rubbing my thumb around her hands. She blinked multiple times.

"You do?" she asked softly, genuinely surprised. I nodded, "the hospital where you were admitted told Dina and Bianca. I found out through them," I explained to her.

She narrowed her eyes and titled her head, "So? How... Do you feel about..."

"I am elated!" I pressed a wet kiss on her finger, and she sighed, the lines that had formed a frown on her face disappeared, and she looked relieved. What did she expect my reaction was going to be?!

"Sir?" a knock resonated from outside the room, Lisa opened the door, she entered the room with a tray in her hand. She walked toward us and handed Aviva the glass that held water. Aviva accepted it and thanked her before downing the water in one goal.

"Sir, doctor Fatima is here, she waiting outside in the hallway."

"Send her in," Lisa nodded and mixed out of the room. Doctor Fatima entered the room, five minutes later, she blinked, surprise etched on her face, she glanced at me but said nothing. I knew what she was about to say but I did not care. Lorenzo Mancini's fiancee in my bedroom, the one that I assumed they were waiting for in Marco Mancini's house but I did not need to explain anything to her.

"Please Don Eduardo, will you excuse us?" I nodded and walked out of the room. I walked to my office where Carlos and Miguel were talking. I told CJ to get reinforcement from Benito, more men will be coming to Califonia. If Marco Mancini found out that I had taken Aviva back I would have hell to pay and now Aviva shot Donald, it meant war.

A war that I knew was foreseeable but not predictable. I would never give Aviva up especially not when she was carrying my child, I was going to fight till the end. I had given up once but not again, never again. A few moments later, Lisa knocked and entered my office with Doctor Fatima.

"Doctor Fatima," I turned to her, and she walked toward me. "Don Reyes," she nodded.

"Everything is fine, her blood pressure is higher and her blood sugar is lower than it should be, it could be as a result of stress, malnutrition or it may be her lack of eating. She will need to eat a lot of proteins, vegetables and fruit."

I nodded, "malnutrition you mean?" I didn't want to confirm my suspicion, but with the way I saw Donald handle Aviva, it was clear that he did not treat her well. For someone who was clamouring for the release of his daughter, you would think that he would treat her better.

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