Dress for Wedding Success

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"I love that we get to spend some girl time together, don't you?" Annie asked as we sat in the lobby of the bridal shop.

"It's too bright in here," I said. These fluorescent lights were absolutely killing me.

"Maybe I can ask to turn them down," said Abbie, Annie's best friend from hygiene school.

I'd always known that Abbie was Annie's best friend, but I never realized that she was the youngest sister of Doctor Andrews and, well, the other doctor Andrews. She had long, dark brown curly hair like my original GYN, Andrea Andrews.

"No, no no! It's okay. I'll be fine," I said, digging for my sunglasses in the magenta void because I was way too embarrassed to have the shop alter their lighting for me.

"Hi ladies," said a young girl who came in front of us. "Which one of you is Annalise?"

"That would be me," Annie said, raising her hand. "Please just call me Annie."

"So nice to meet you, Annie. I'm Vanessa, and I'll be your consultant today. Who do you have with you, here?" Vanessa asked.

"This is my best friend Abbie, and my little sister, Ayla," Annie said, right as I finally found my sunglasses and put them on my face.

Vanessa gave me a strange look, but she didn't ask me any questions. It was a big relief.

"When is your wedding, Annie?" she asked.

"March eighteenth," Annie said.

"Next March. Got it," Vanessa said.

"Uh, no. It's this March," Annie said. "I know I'll have to take something off the wrack. I know a seamstress who will do all my alterations for me in time, so I can just take it with me today."

"Okay. That works out. We have a lot of stock to clear out!" Vanessa said. "What specifically are you looking for?"

"We should probably mention that we're here for bridesmaid dresses, too," Abbie said.

Poor Vanessa. She was starting to look like a ghost. She seemed like she was new here and suddenly super overwhelmed.

"And I have a note here that you need maternity dresses?" Vanessa said, looking at her tablet.

"Yup. For myself and for my sister here. We're both having twins!" Annie said, holding her baby bump.

"Oh, congratulations. Do you know what you're having?" Vanessa asked.

Oh brother. Can we just get to the dresses and quit this stupid small talk?

"I don't yet, but she's having two boys," Annie said.

"How exciting! And what color for the bridesmaid dresses?" Vanessa asked.

"We're going with a nice green, maybe forest or emerald? It's the day after Saint Patrick's Day, it's my fiance's favorite color, and my family's last name is actually Green," Annie said.

"That is so fun! So how about we get started? I'll bring you girls over to the bridesmaid dresses and then we can work on the wedding dresses after that," Vanessa said.

We got up and went towards the wracks in the back of the store, where the lighting wasn't so bright and I could take a break from my sunglasses.

"Oh, Ayla, I like this one for you! It's got the long sleeves that you like!" Abbie said, pulling aside a long sleeved, emerald green dress.

"I like that one too!" Annie said.

I smiled and nodded. Always having my arms covered meant I never had to deal with the sticky textures of counters or tables.

"This isn't specifically a maternity dress, but we need to make due with what we have. You may just end up having to buy a bigger size than normal and work with that," Vanessa said, taking the large dress off the wrack.

We picked out a few more, and then it was time to pick out some dresses for Annie. Once we were all done, we each had three dresses to try on. Abbie and I went into our own dressing room stalls while Vanessa went into a larger stall across from us with Annie.

The first dress I tried on was emerald green, like the other two. It didn't have long sleeves, but ones that came down almost to my elbow. It was pretty and I liked the neckline, but the sleeves were too itchy.

We all stepped out of our stalls at the same time. Abbie's dress was knee length and had a halter top. It was the first time I'd seen her tattoo. She was definitely embarrassed. I'd be too if I was walking around with my ex boyfriend's name right in the middle of my boobs. Annie's dress was nice, but it was too plain. It was more my style, not hers. We were all exchanging disapproving glances at each other.

"I think we're all just gonna move on to the next one," Abbie said.

"Agreed," Annie said.

"Okay. Next ones it is!" Vanessa said.

I went back into the stall and changed into the next dress, which was flowy and made out of satin. It was strapless, but I had a cardigan I could pull over it. It was nice, but I felt like I couldn't breathe. It was so tight.

We all came out of our stalls again. Abbie had on a floor-length dress this time, but it was velvet. Annie walked out in a really simple lace dress. It had a ribbon with a few sparkles, so it was at least better than the first one.

"I definitely like this one better," Abbie said.

"Me too," I said.

"Well there's only one left to try and then it's back to the drawing board for all of us," Vanessa said.

We went back into our stalls and I put on my floor length, long-sleeved, chiffon dress. I wanted the sleeves to be a little tighter, but this would do. There was lots of room for my growing baby bump.

I came out of my stall and Abbie came out of hers. She had on a chiffon dress with short sleeves. Her tattoo was completely covered, so she was happy.

"That looks good on you, Ayla!" she said.

"Yeah. I like it," I said.

"Okay, let's get ready for the big reveal!" Vanessa said, unlocking the stall.

Annie walked out in a short-sleeved maternity dress with a tulle skirt. The entire top of it was covered in sparkles. She looked like someone plugged her in. She was glowing.

"I think this is it, you guys," she said, turning in front of the mirror.

"I think so. I love that for you," I said to her.

Vanessa brought out a vail and fake bouquet for her to hold.

"Annie, are you saying yes to the dress?" she asked her.

"Yes!"Annie said.

We cheered, took pictures in our winning dresses, and then went up to the counter to pay before saying goodbye to Abbie. After that, we went and got ice cream, because that's what pregnant girls do. 

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