Chapter Seventeen

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"Nana, it's me."

Miles knocks on the door hesitantly. Appearing at his grandma's doorstep at one in the morning isn't something he usually does. Then again, there are a lot of things he's been doing lately that are totally out of his routine.

The door opens with a click, revealing Hazel standing there with a comb in her hand and her hair hanging loose. She appears ready for bed, which only intensifies his guilt.

"I can't sleep." He mumbles out, receiving a disbelieving look from her.

"Since when do sloths like you get insomnia? Get in." She holds the door wide for him and shuts it after he's inside.

His eyes widen slightly as he finds Ariel playing with a Lego set on the bed. She smiles at him sheepishly once her gaze lands on him.

"You're still awake?" He says, jumping into the bed and securing the place next to her. "Mom will be mad if she finds out."

"You are awake too."

"But I'm a big guy. I can stay up as long as I want. You are five so you cannot." He shrugs.

Her eyes narrow at his remark before she sticks out her tongue at him. As she goes back to playing, Hazel returns and sits on the edge of the bed.

"What's wrong, Miles?" She asks in a concerned tone.

"Told you... Can't sleep." He says, jabbing his index finger into the bedsheet as he tries to make a hole.

Hazel rolls her eyes.

"Stop lying. You look disheveled."

A sigh leaves his mouth and he looks up at her.

"I really don't know. I just feel bad."

Her eyes scan his face as an amusing expression subtly marks her features. And without hesitation, she cuts to the point.

"Do you miss someone?"

He sharply glances up, not anticipating such a pointed response. There's a knowing glint in her eye that tells him Hazel already suspects the truth. But she intends to make him say it out loud.

"I've been watching you for a while. You seem troubled and I thought you might be missing a certain brunette. I wanted to ask but kind of assumed you'd open up yourself in time." She sighs dramatically.

Realizing denying would be meaningless at this point, he stays silent. Under the weight of her penetrating eyes, he feels utterly exposed, his emotions on full display.

"I've never felt like this before, never expected it to hit me so suddenly." He replies in an unsure tone. "I don't even know what's going on."

"You make it sound like missing her is a deadly sin?" She laughs slowly.

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