Chapter Thirty Two

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"Juliet! Wait..."

She promptly swivels around at the sound of a girl's voice behind her, her boots faintly crunching the snow underneath. There she is, walking towards Juliet - the same girl whom she saw studying at the table next to her in the cafe a while ago while she was working on her project. Juliet's eyes catch sight of a familiar file in her hands, and she recognizes it as hers.

"Hi! You left it back there," the fair-skinned girl says, handing the file over to her. She has large, hooded brown eyes and is wearing a white-colored hijab.

Juliet smiles gratefully. "Thanks a lot. I can be so forgetful at times." She puts the file in with the other two in her hands. "How do you know my name?"

"I'm in the same class as you. You probably didn't notice me. I usually sit in the far end corner." The girl gives her a charming smile that Juliet finds very beautiful.

"Oh! I see. What's your name?"


"Are you a native here?" Juliet asks as they both slowly make their way towards the faculty building, continuing their conversation. The streets are mildly crowded with students walking along the cleared pathways, bundled in winter clothes. A thin dusting of snow already coats the ground and the leafless trees, though large fluffy flakes have yet to begin to drift down from above as of mid-November.

"No, I'm just here to complete my degree. I'm actually from Egypt," Ayra answers.

Appreciation shines from Juliet's expression. "Wow, Egypt? I love Egypt! Beautiful places, and the culture and historical influences are fascinating. And the food!" She gets excited as the topic of food comes up. "I once had Koshari, and I can't forget the taste. It's one of the best things I've ever had."

Ayra stares at her in awe. The energy is unmatched; not many people show this level of interest in her country. It's not highly popular but rather an average nation with moderate international recognition. But well, she's touched.

"That's so sweet of you. Do you live here with your family?" she asks as they near the destination, and the boxy concrete and glass structures of the building come into view. Its exterior walls are lined with rows of rectangular windows reflecting the dull daylight.

"I live here with my best friend and her family. I'm originally from Nova Scotia. My dad lives there," Juliet states. "Where are you staying, Ayra?"

"I'm renting a place temporarily until I can secure dorm housing at college," she says before hesitantly adding, "Would you be up for grabbing coffee sometime? No pressure, though."

Juliet smiles wholeheartedly, accepting her proposal. "Of course! I'd love to. Just let me know when you are free."


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