Chapter Thirty Three

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Miles looks on quietly as Juliet blows gently against the bubble wand, causing a flurry of colorful bubbles to float through the air. Little Ariel squeals before dashing after each drifting bubble as she tries to burst them all. On the second blow, the soapy solution goes into her eyes instead, making him let out a soft chuckle. She notices, glaring at him, and then she takes a step towards the bench where he's sitting and blows the next batch of bubbles right into his face.

"Suits you." She smiles in victory while he's busy rubbing his eyes, and she marches back to Ariel.

"Devil," she hears Miles mutter under his breath.

With the temperature being mildly pleasant today, they decided to bring Ariel to the park she's been wanting to visit for a while. The last couple of days had been really cold, and it had been snowing all the time. The warm sunlight seems to provide a welcome respite on this cozy afternoon as they enjoy the calming atmosphere. Other families are at the park too, with children playing nearby as the parents socialize.

Juliet helps Ariel climb onto a see-saw, and a little boy around the same age or slightly older than Ariel runs towards it as soon as he sees them. He has curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes, a striking combination that Juliet acknowledges.

"Hey! Can I get on it too? I was looking for a friend because I wanted to play with someone, but I couldn't find anyone," the boy asks, looking at Juliet expectantly. She nods excitedly, flashing a smile in his direction.

"Sure, love. Do you want me to help you?"

"Thanks, but I can do it," he replies with matching enthusiasm, climbing onto the seat swiftly.

As Juliet retreats back to the space next to Miles, who's eating popcorn, he extends the box towards her, but she opens her mouth instead.

"My hands are a little dusty."

He carefully places the popcorn into her mouth and mumbles, "Just say you want me to feed you."

She giggles, "Please! Jump off a cliff."

"You sure?"

"No." Smiling, she watches as he opens the lid of the bottle and drinks from it. "Did I tell you about the new friend I made?"

He shakes his head no.

"Her name is Ayra. She's Muslim and from Alexandria, Egypt. She's in the same class as me," Juliet says before her lips form into a pout. "Can you imagine how fun it would be if I was born in a historical place like this? I'd have never shut up about it. But on second thought, I wouldn't have met you if I was born in Egypt, and that sounds very bad."

"I know I'm your favorite," he grins adorably, holding her hand and lacing his fingers through hers. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I love holding your hands."

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