Chapter 6

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The next day wasn't very pleasant as it was very misty and moistly. Rosalynn woke up and the very first thing she has done was to look out of the window. She wanted to look at the nearby forest, however, due to the thick white mist it was very hard to see the trees. She could tell that the whiteness wrapped all the trees and objects outside including carriages, horses and small camping site around the inn. The view was mysterious and somehow luring. Her thoughts were disturbed by knocking on the door and Doctor's voice.

"Rosalynn, are you awake?" 

"Yes, Sir." She get closer to the door and opened them. "Good morning." She gave him a gentle smile.

"Uhm, good morning. I have brought your costume. After you have a breakfast, go and wash yourself thoroughly and then put your costume on. Here is a soap... In case you have trouble putting on your suit, please call the maid. I have already explained her how to put it on and she might be able to assist you. Have a nice meal." He said all that on one breath, then handed her the package and soap, turned around and disappeared in his room. 

She looked after him a bit confused but slowly she started got used to his behaviour. He was a very direct person and didn't waste time for unnecessary small talks. Rosalynn did as he told her to. After an inn waitress brought her meal and she ate that, she took a jug and went outside to fill it with well water. Having left the inn, she instantly felt the chills on her body. Not only because of the mist, but also because of the the temperature outside. It wasn't very pleasant and she didn't put her coat on. She tried to hurry and come back inside as fast as she could. After she filled the jug with water she gave a quick look at the barely visible forest and saw a silhouette standing there. "Probably a new customer." she thought and returned to the inn. In her room she slowly and thoroughly washed her body with borrowed soap and clean water. The soap smelled with flowers and herbs. After that she put on her bloomers and a blouse, she placed the basin next to the door so the inn maid can take it outside . 

She looked at the package which was decorated with a black bow. Carefully, she unpacked the costume which was truly clean white, just as the mist outside. On the top of the clothes, the mask and belt were put. Rosalynn lifted up the mask and examined it thoroughly. It was a high quality work. It was very similar to Doctor's mask, the same black round glasses, the same brown strips which were mean to keep the mask still to the head. The only difference were the colour and the shape of beak. Doctor's beak was longer and thinner. Hers was short and a bit broader. She put the mask away, took a quick look at her belt and special scarf, and then slowly examined the suit. It was made out of linen covered with wax which made the robe kind of rigid and harsh in touch. A pair of gloves was also covered with wax, just as the white cloak and hood. The knee length-boots were at the very bottom of the package. To her surprise, they weren't white as the whole suit but dark brown. She didn't want to call the maid despite the fact that she didn't have a clue on how to even start dressing up. However, she figured out that the first thing she must do is to pin her hair up. After that she stood before the mirror and carefully wrapped her neck and head with white scarf. She made sure that no hair is visible. Then she decided to put on the robe. Her enthusiasm didn't last long as  numerous buttons and a build-in corset were the main reason. Having surrendered, she called for inn's maid who came quickly and helped her with all the fastening. Also she unwrapped the scarf and made more comfortable and practical hairstyle, and wrapped it again. After that she wanted to dismiss the maid but the girl was so fast that she had finished dressing her up before Rosalynn said anything. When the maid left her room, Rosalynn looked in the mirror and couldn't believe it was her. The costume was truly well-made and it suited her in size. She took a glance on her mask which was lying on her bed and without any hesitation she put it on. To her disappointment it smelled with leather what was quickly changed due to the peppermint. She looked at her reflection once again and saw the plague nurse she has become. Dressed all white she resembled a plague doctor's ghost rather than a regular plague doctor which was even more frightening. However, there was also something friendly and soothing in her costume at the same time. Perhaps it was the colour which provoked these ambiguous feelings of creepiness and calmness. 

Before leaving her room, she checked if she packed everything and hurried downstairs. Doctor was waiting outside the inn with his cane in one hand and a bag in the other hand. When he saw her he was pretty impressed. 

"I must admit that I was not ready for this sight." He greeted her with these words.

"Oh, do I look... weird?"

"No, it is not that. Your look is just... unusual. That is all. Besides, turn around." She did as he told her to. When she was standing with her back towards him, she felt something heavy falling on her chest. When she looked down she noticed a piece of jewellery. "It is a silver cross. Since you will witness numerous deaths, it might be helpful.

"Thank you so much." She took hold of the cross to have a closer look at it. Even though it was a simple silver cross, it was perfect to her. 

"Are we ready to set off?" Doctor interrupted her thoughts.

"Yes, Sir." She nodded enthusiastically and they began their six hours stride to Castleton. 

The way was all covered with mist which created a gloomy effect. They met no living soul on their way. However, halfway, Rosalynn demanded to take a break. She was breathing heavily.

"What is wrong?" Doctor asked surprised. 

"Can- Can I take off the mask?" She panted leaning against a tree.

"What for?" She looked at him annoyed. Didn't he hear her heavy breathing?

"It's so hard to breathe when we walk so fast."

"You should get used to that. You will work wearing that." He crossed his arms and looked at her like he didn't understand what she mean. 

"But right now we're not working. And there is nobody here... Please?"

"Fine." He finally agreed and she took it off. Her face was all red and sweaty.


When they arrived to Castleton Rosalynn put on her mask. She was struck by the sight of empty village which covered with mist was even more chilling. Doctor didn't seem to be bothered at all. The only person outside was a middle-aged gravedigger who was burring one of the departed villagers. They noticed him by the sound of continuous digging and man's heavy breathing.

"Hello good man." Spoke Doctor when they came closer to the man. "Can you show us the way to the rectory?" The man wiped the sweat of his forehead and looked at them.

"Of course-" He didn't even finished the sentence when somebody interrupted.

"Don't even waste your time going there." Rosalynn and Doctor looked at a girl who was half covered with mist standing outside one of the village houses. She had long curly ginger hair and was dressed all black. In her hands, she was holding a basket with some bottles. 

"Why not?" Rosalynn asked.

"The priest is a fool and a coward. You better leave this village." Just as fast she appeared, as fast she disappeared in the mist. 

"Don't listen to her." The gravedigger said suddenly. "Come, I will show you the way to Reverend's house." He left his shovel near the fresh grave and led the way. 

The rectory looked rather gloomy and cold on the outside. The silence which was present inside emphasised the hostility. Furniture and floor were covered with dust, candles weren't lighted and the spiderweb was present everywhere. The rectory looked rather abandoned. 

"Where are all the servants?" Asked Doctor quite surprised.

"They were dismissed at the wake of plague. Reverend Cryer wanted everyone to leave him alone." The gravedigger explained quickly before they stopped in front of the closed door.

"Pretty clever of him." Doctor admitted quietly.

"Father Samuel, you have guests." The gravedigger knocked on the door announcing their arrival.

"Tell them to go to hell." They hardly heard a voice which belonged to an old man. The gravedigger gave them an apologizing look. Doctor sighed and spoke loudly.

"I assume you didn't invite me all the way over just to tell me to go to hell. You know that I live in hell on a daily basis, so I suggest you reconsider your words and perhaps let us in?" When he finished, they heard the sound of quick footsteps and the door creaked. 

"You are the doctor I've written to, aren't you?"

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