Chapter 9

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When Rosalynn came back home, she met Jack on the porch. He was sitting and grinding a dagger. 

"Good evening, Sir." Rosalynn greeted him.

"Good evening, Miss." He greeted her back. "Doctor should be in his room. Oh, and you have to prepare dinner on your own. I don't cook much myself." She was surprised by the his directness. 

"I see. Thank you." She entered the house and the very first thing she did was to knock on Doctor's door. For long time there was no response, however, after a while Doctor opened the door. 

"So you are back." He crossed his arms leaning on the door frame. Rosalynn found something odd about his clothing. He was still wearing his mask, hat and scarf but the black robe was gone. Instead, he was wearing black long-sleeved shirt and black trousers. Besides everything was the same, including gloves and boots. Without his robe he looked different. For the very first time she saw his true posture which usually was covered with black waxed material. Doctor was rather thin with little muscle mass despite his broad arms.

"Y-yes... Uhm... I'm sorry, Doctor. I know I should have stayed with you there but it happened so suddenly-" She started to explain the whole situation but he interrupted her. 

"I must admit my disappointment is immeasurable and I considered looking for another, wiser and more obedient apprentice, however, I've decided to give you a second chance. Despite your troublesome nature I somehow get used to your presence which is why I would rather not change that. And well, at least you had an opportunity to experience midwifery." The tone of his voice became less angry as he was speaking.

"I-I promise I will always stay with you, Sir! And I'm so sorry for this situation." She looked ashamed but knew he had already forgive her. 

"Instead of apologizing go and clean yourself with soap. Also, you have to wash your robe and gloves thoroughly. Then..." He made a short pause as he was thinking of something. "Then, we should prepare our dinner. That's all. Come back when you will be ready."

Rosalynn nodded in response and quickly rushed to her room where she cleaned herself using a small basin. Then she put on her usual daily dress and started to wash her robe. It was a difficult task since wax prevented the cloth from getting wet and Rosalynn wasn't aware of that fact. After a while she assumed that it should be clean enough so she went out on the porch and asked Jack where can she find a clothes line. He showed her the way and when she was done with her tasks, she knocked on Doctor's door once again.

"I'm ready, Sir." She said quite enthusiastically. 

"Let us go then." They both went into the kitchen and started preparing ingredients for vegetable stew. First few moments they spent in silence interrupted by the sound of chopping and peeling. When they were chucking the ingredients into the brew, some of it spilled onto Doctor's shirt. Rosalynn wanted to wipe it with a handkerchief but he suddenly stepped back. They both looked at each other surprised and Doctor cleared his throat. Then he wiped the dirt with his own handkerchief and came back to cooking. Rosalynn instead was still confused but soon started setting the table. 

When the stew was ready, they sat by the table with the bowls and Rosalynn started eating in silence. The candles were lighting the entire room poorly. In this light, Doctor's mask was looking different, nothing like usual. It resembled a beak of a giant bird ready to attack at any moment.  It was terrifying.

"Doctor?" Rosalynn started hesitantly putting her spoon down.

"Yes?" He was looking at her directly. 

"Why aren't you eating?" She asked politely still a bit scared of the view she had in front of her. 

"I don't understand your question." His head cocked to the right side.

"Uhm. We are alone here so you can take your mask off."

"My dear, I cannot..." He sighed. "I will eat in my room later. I just..." He made a little pause. "I just wanted to keep you company while eating this time. I know people usually eat their meals together. However, it is not sterile at all. It is against my own rules as a Plague Doctor." When he finished he could see the surprised look on her face.

"So that's why I have never seen you eating before! But it's not fair though. You have seen me without my mask many times." 

"That is because you are not as sterile as I am. If you were then you wouldn't be eating here now."

"But I trust you! And you should trust me as well..." She sadden. Jack's silhouette flashed up in the corridor to quickly disappear in his own room. 

"It is not about trust, my dear." He stood up taking his bowl with stew. There was a tiredness in his voice.

"So about what?" She stood up as well.

"In my opinion this conversation goes in undesirable direction and for that reason I would like to finish it. Now, excuse me." He opened the door of his room and disappeared there.

"Running away from answering is rude as hell, you know that?" She shouted after him but he didn't respond. 

She was standing in the kitchen in silence. Her bowl was half empty but she has lost her appetite. Still angry she took her bowl and locked herself in her room where she prepared herself to sleeping.

Meanwhile, Doctor was still in his room standing by the door with the bowl of stew in his hand. He was wondering if he could have said something else to Rosalynn, something less upsetting than these words. He was aware of the fact that she didn't mean anything bad but somehow he felt offended. The need of isolation from her words and from her way of thinking was bigger than his will to stay and talk to her, to explain why he acts the way he usually does. 

He put the bowl on the bedside table and he himself sat on his bed. Slowly he took off his hat, then mask and finally scarf. He wasn't used to taking these things off very often. The feeling he was experiencing each time he did that was comparable to the feeling of shame. Without these items he was naked. He was losing his sense of existence. This mask was everything to him. Everything that made him himself, the person he was raised to be. 

He knew he couldn't think the way a regular person thinks. For that reason it was more difficult for him to understand other people, despite his desire to become a part of society. Due to his profession it was impossible. Sometimes he thought it was too late for him. The amount of time spent on isolation and treating the sick made him less humane. He was no longer a person. He became a Plague Doctor and Plague Doctors live to cure people. That's their ultimate aim. They are as long needed as plague infect people. 

At least they are the cure. 

We Are The Cure : The Plague Doctor's Tale.Where stories live. Discover now