Chapter 31

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All of them where sitting in the kitchen in the complete silence. Finally, Rosalynn was the one who decided to ask questions.

"How did you know that, Doctor?" She was completely lost in this conversation.

"Oh Rosalynn. It was my mistake to let you work with Giovanni... We will talk about it later." He looked in Annabelle's direction and started talking. " On my daily visits I have met a very interesting person. She used to work as a town's midwife and her name is Wilma. I assume that's your aunt, Annabelle?" She nodded terrified. 

"She promised she wouldn't tell anyone about Sarah..." Annabelle was so confused.

"And she didn't. She just shared Dorothy's story with me. It was actually you who made me consider Dorothy's child and your friend to be one person." And then Rosalynn understood what was actually going on. Giovanni was sitting silently on the chair by the window. 

"Fine... You got me..." Annabelle sighed as she was left speechless. 

"But tell me one thing... Why don't you tell everyone that there is no ghost?"

"Sarah is my friend and I don't want to shame her mother's name revealing the truth behind Sarah's origins." She stood up and came closer to the window. "Besides, I've already told her to stop bothering Mark."

"Right!" Suddenly Giovanni joined the conversation. "Why was she haunting Mark in particular?" Doctor was impressed with his question. Finally something smart.

"Young Blight is her step-brother and I assume she wanted to know him better. Correct me if I'm mistaken." Explained Doctor briefly. 

"Actually you're right, Sir. She dreamt of meeting her family and one day she saw Mark coming back home. She was so excited that he greeted her but totally didn't know how to communicate with him. So she was stalking him not knowing how to properly start a conversation..."

"Wait a minute." Interrupted Giovanni. "So if she had difficulties talking to Mark then how on earth you two are able to communicate?"

"Oh, that's easy. It is me who usually starts a conversation or ask yes/no questions. Sometimes Sarah is drawing or writing single words on the paper or on the ground using a stick. On the field it was impossible to write anything due to the long grass and winds."

"She was helpless..." Rosalyn sighed. 

"Why didn't you help her?" Asked Doctor calmly.

"She knew she shouldn't be talking to him or anyone else from this town." Annabelle looked really sad. "If I could foresaw that things would go that way I would have introduced her to Mark earlier. Without unnecessary confusion and ghost stories..."

"So what now?" Asked Rosalynn

"I've talked to her and explained that her playing ghost is very dangerous and she should stop as it is the right time to do so. I'm so sorry this went that far." 

"You do not need to be sorry." Doctor stood up. "We are leaving in two days. Everyone here is cured so our job is done. Please inform Mr. Button that I will pay him a visit tomorrow evening." That was all Doctor wanted to say so he simply left them alone.

Both Rosalynn and Giovanni looked at Annabelle who seemed quite lost. Perhaps she was sad that Sarah couldn't meet her relatives in a proper way and now she was even prohibited from doing so. Quite unfortunate.


The next day they were packing their things and seeing the sick for the last time. Doctor decided to visit Wilma at the very end of his tour. He was wondering whether to tell her that the ghost was actually a girl she hid in the past. The only evidence of Dorothy's infidelity towards Mr. Durant. 

He was slowly approaching the door of her house when he saw Annabelle leaving from her aunt's house with someone wearing a hooded dark brown cloak. Annabelle was holding the person's hand and showing the way through the wide streets. Soon they disappeared from Doctor's sight and he entered Wilma's cottage. 

"Is that you Annabelle? Did you forget something?" Wilma was slowly walking toward the front door. "Oh, it's you, Doctor. Please, come in. I will make us some tea." 

"Please, don't bother yourself. Have a seat instead." Doctor knew he wouldn't drink so it was pointless to make him some tea.

They sat in the living room, Wilma in her armchair and Doctor on the sofa. He asked her how was she feeling and she laughed saying nothing changed since yesterday and the day before yesterday. He replied that it is necessary to monitor patient's condition in case of the  recrudescence, especially in her age. 

"Oh Doctor, you're so funny. Your companions must be happy being around you." Her words reminded him of the fact that he hasn't spent much time with Rosalynn lately. Not to mention Giovanni who was irritating him throughout their stay in Lauceston.

"It was good to know you, Wilma." He suddenly stood up ready to go. 

"Oh, you're leaving? Please, stay few more minutes. These may be my last days..." 

"What is it you are saying?" Doctor was truly surprised to hear her saying that. According to him, Wilma was currently healthy and he was sure about it.

"You know... The ghost was here for some reason. I've heard it didn't appear for last three days..." If Doctor could, he would laugh loudly at her face. Instead he just shook his head in disbelief. 

Suddenly Wilma looked at Doctor with calmness in her eyes and smiled gently. 

"It was good to know you as well, Doctor."


In the evening he met Mr. Button, the town council, who as promised paid him for their service, and the next day they were leaving the town. 

When the next day came, Rosalynn wanted to say goodbye to Annabelle but the maid wasn't at their house. The three assumed that she was doing other important things. 

Passing the houses, they saw a crowd gathered by one of the houses. It was a funeral ceremony, they could tell by the black clothing of the people and the weeping carried by the wind. Among the mourners there were two women who looked like the ones they already knew. 

"I thought we cured everyone." Rosalynn seemed confused.

"I don't recognise this house... Doctor, is that one of your patients?" Asked Giovanni and Doctor nodded. He knew exactly whose funeral it was. He didn't want to disturb his companions as he dreamt of being far away from this town.

"Where exactly are we going?" Asked Giovanni suddenly, helping Rosalynn with her luggage. 

" I've received a very strange letter from Ipswich in Suffolk. A woman asks us to come and prove her family members died of plague."

"Are we really going to travel that far just to admit or disproof that someone died of a particular disease?" Giovanni didn't seem to be optimistic about that.

"As long as she will pay us generously it does not matter. Moreover, it involves the pestilence victims so there might be patients waiting for our help." Everyone nodded and in silence they headed north-east of England.

We Are The Cure : The Plague Doctor's Tale.Where stories live. Discover now