Chapter 1....

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This book takes place RIGHT AFTER  'Fear of Intimacy'. You don't have to read the first two books but I highly recommend that you do cause you may get a bit confused. Especially 'Fear of Intimacy'. This book is Lydia and Landon's story. The others will make an appearance but it is mostly them.

Happy Reading! :) 

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"Thank you guys for coming today." Josie Scott, my best friend and co-worker, sent us all a wide smile.

Currently all of our friends-Tasha Davis, Sydni Roberts and I were in a bridal store getting ready for Josie to try on wedding dresses. Her wedding was exactly three months away which meant it was finally time to start picking out dresses.

"Of course." I gave Josie a smile. I could see her nerves as she glanced around the bridal store. Rows after rows of dresses lined the walls, the sight of them a little nerve-wrecking. It can be a lot being surrounded by so many dresses.

I had helped Josie pick this store after we did an article on it in my magazine, Fushion Weekly, a few months back. It was a cute little shop that was locally owned and had a great selection of dresses. Any type of dress you want they have.

"Ready to start picking?" Tasha asked, looking beyond giddy. As Maid of Honor she was taking the role seriously, getting everything ready for the wedding and making sure the bride wasn't stressed about anything.

"I think so."

"Pick whatever you want. You can try on as many as you need." The sales lady, and owner, said as she stood off to the side.

I pulled a few strings and made sure we booked the entire store so no one else would be here but us four. Aside from wanting this moment to be special for Josie, the last thing she needed was someone coming in and recognizing her. That's what happens when you get engaged to the hottest hockey player in Toronto.

"Lets do this." Beside me Sydni grinned and clapped her hands. With that all of us fanned out. To help give Josie some choices we decided we'd all pick a couple so she could try on and see what style she wanted.

As I walked around looking at the gorgeous gowns I tried to ignore the pinch in my chest. All of this felt so familiar, memories coming to the surface. Wedding dress shopping wasn't exactly my thing but I was here for Josie.

So shoving all the memories from the past aside I looked for a dress that would suit Josie. Thinking about Josie and her fiancé Wyatt Boone made me smile. It feels like yesterday she was telling me about being stuck in an elevator with some guy after her assignment with a local football team.

She didn't tell me who it was until a few weeks later so imagine my surprise when she told me she was seeing Wyatt Boone, star player for the Toronto Knights hockey team. What are the chances of meeting one of Toronto's eligible bachelors in an elevator.

I knew from the moment she talked about Wyatt that she was smitten. There was a look on her face I'd never seen before. The more she saw him the brighter her eyes got. When Josie's dad passed a year before I watched her become a shell. She wasn't living. Just going through the motions. Until she met Wyatt.

Wyatt gave her back her light. She may be one of my workers but she was also my best friend. So seeing her happy and in love was all I could ask for. It did help that Wyatt was one of the nicest guys and treated Josie like a queen. The two of them were meant for each other. I don't think I've ever seen anyone better suited than those two.

It only took Wyatt a year to know Josie was his forever. Wyatt proposed to Josie in Whitsunday Island, Australia a few months ago when our entire friend group decided to go on vacation together. The whole thing was amazing and so sweet. He had it all planned out that all of us would be standing near videoing the proposal. I'm not typically a fan of proposals but that one even had me crying.

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