Chapter 7....

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The rest of the week went by uneventfully. It was a nice change after a hectic few weeks getting the magazine ready. Everyone in the office seemed to be in a good mood with the weekend finally here.

"Hey Lyd." Josie poked her head into my office. "Ready to go in a few minutes?"

In little over an hour Mateo was set to play his first play-off game. It's all he's been able to talk about in the group chat we were all in. He was trying to act like he wasn't nervous but he was. Last year his team lost one too many games to qualify, so this would be his first time at a Uni level play-off game.

The girls and I came up with an idea to hold posters in the stands to cheer him on. We had seats right above the team, another perk to knowing Wyatt, Trevor and Bryton, so Mateo would definitely see us.

This would be the only game, other than the Championship game, we could come and watch so we wanted to go all out. If the team won this game they would be on the road for the next one and then the final game.

"Syd has the posters right?" I asked, saving some documents before closing my computer.

"Yeah and Tasha has the blow horns."

Mateo is going to be so embarrassed by us. I want to say the blow horns were our idea but it was actually the guys. Since we had our posters they wanted something too. I just know we are going to be kicked out before the game is over.

Going over to my bag I pulled out a University of Toronto shirt. Since Mateo was only in Uni we couldn't get actual jerseys with Mateo's name/number so instead we made do with school shirts.

"Wyatt said he's on his way. Hope you don't mind Evelyn driving with us, Wy didn't want her to drive alone."

"Of course." With the office empty but the two of us, having sent everyone home early, I quickly stripped out of my top and put the other one on. "Bet Evelyn is excited."

Landon's mom was probably one of the best people I've ever met. The moment you meet her you become part of the family. She'll pull you into a hug that only moms are capable of. I've never had someone take me in so quickly and effortlessly before.

"Pretty sure she's more excited than Mateo." It's amazing how supportive Evelyn is of her kids and the sports they play. From what I've learned over the last few years is how selfless Evelyn is. Giving and doing so much to ensure her kids had everything they needed to succeed.

My chest ached at my thoughts. I hoped the guys knew just how lucky they were to have a mom like her.

As Josie's phone binged, probably Wyatt telling her he was here, I grabbed my bag and did one last look around my office to make sure I had everything.

Locking my office behind me the two of us heading outside. Idling at the curb was a semi-familiar truck. That's not Wyatt's car. Just then the back door opened and out jumped Wyatt, grinning at his fiancé.

Wyatt wasted no time in grabbed Josie, pulling her in for a kiss. The two acted like they haven't seen each other in days when it's only been a few hours. Holding back an eye roll I slid past them towards the back seat.

Using the side rail I hauled myself into the back of the truck. As soon as my butt touched the seat I lifted my head and met Landon's eyes in the review mirror. I watched as the corner of his mouth quirked up in greeting. I gave him a small smile of my own before turning to the woman next to him.

"Evelyn." This time I fully grinned. You could tell where the Boone brothers got their looks from. Even in her early 50's she didn't look a day over 30. Her dirty blond hair was cut a bit shorter than I last saw her, making her look even younger.

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