Chapter 36....

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Four Months Later....

"Fuck you."

"I didn't do anything!"

"You were cheating!" Trevor accused his girlfriend.

"No I was not." Tasha glared at Trevor holding a spoon.

"You totally were."

I held the spoon tightly in my hand as I watched my friends argue over who cheated. I wish I could say this was the first argument since we started playing the game Spoons but this was probably the fourth one in the last half hour.

Thankfully the argument of who cheated didn't go as long as I thought and we were back to playing. You'd think after playing games as a group the last two years we'd learn our lesson and not play at all but nope.

"So has anyone thought about our next group vacation?" Josie asked out of the blue as we passed the playing cards around the table.

"We went tropical last time maybe we should go to the mountains or something." Sydni suggested.

"We could wait a few months until it gets cold again and get a cabin. Going skiing or snowboarding could be fun." Tasha piggybacked on Sydni's idea.

"Oh I love that!"

The guys mumbled something but they were all so focused on the game to do much else. Grabbing a card from the small pile next to me I finally got four of the same kind. Peeking up at the others I reached out and silently grabbed a spoon. Everyone was so focused on their own cards to realize.

It took a good 30 seconds of sitting there waiting for someone to finally noticed. It was Wyatt and he snapped his arm out to grab a spoon. He set everyone off as they scrambled to grab the last spoons.

You would think a game using cards and spoons would be easy and safe. No. I had a few gauges in my fingers from everyone trying to grab a spoon. A few times chairs have been knocked over as someone lunged across the table.

"Damn it." Landon next to me grumbled.

"Oh, got it first?" Everyone looked at Wyatt who shook his head. Smirking I lifted my spoon.

"Took you guys awhile to figure it out."

"Sly ninja." Josie shook her head. She scooted her chair back and stood up. "You guys getting hungry?"

There was a chorus of yes's from the guys which wasn't that surprising. You'd think they haven't eaten in days when its really only been a few hours.

"Evelyn and Steven are going to be here in a bit. Wy want to go start the grill?"

Wyatt wasted no time in jumping up. All he's talked about this week is his new grill and how excited he is to show the guys. Who knew Wyatt would be so domesticated when he got married and bought a house.

While the guys filed outside to go see this famous grill, all the girls gathered in Josie's new kitchen.

"Of course Wyatt had to go and one up me and Bryton." Sydni shook her head as she gazed around the kitchen. "I can't get over how pretty it is." She wasn't wrong. Josie and Wyatt's new place was stunning.

At their wedding four months ago Wyatt surprised Josie with a house. He bought it a few months before and was waiting for the perfect time to tell her. It took them until a few weeks ago to move in. With the wedding, Playoffs, their honeymoon, it took them a bit to pack everything up and move in.

Josie had a hard time letting go of her apartment. Her father gave it to her when he passed and it the last thing she really had of him. In the end they both decided to keep it for now. Either for Mateo if he wanted or a teammate of Wyatt's was looking for a place to rent.

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