i ━━━ mother

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☄. *. ⋆┊ chapter one

 ⋆┊ chapter one

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In the soft glow of candlelight, Daenerys cradled her twin babies in her arms, trying to soothe them to sleep. Rhaego, with his curly silver hair, was fussing and crying, while Rhaenys, the calm one with big lavender eyes, looked up at her with tranquil eyes.

Daenerys felt a mixture of joy and confusion as a new mother. She gently rocked Rhaego, trying to comfort him, but his cries persisted. "Shhh, my little Rhaego," she cooed, feeling uncertain about how to ease his distress. "Mother's here, my brave boy."

Turning her attention to Rhaenys, who remained peaceful in her arms, Daenerys sighed with relief. "And you, my sweet Rhaenys, you are such a calm little soul," she said softly, smiling down at the precious baby girl.

Feeling overwhelmed by the responsibility of motherhood, Daenerys couldn't help but feel a pang of confusion. "I love you both so much," she whispered, "but I must admit, I am still learning how to be the best mother to you."

As the twins' cries finally began to subside, Daenerys gently laid them down in their cribs, tucking them in with tender care. She sat by their side, watching them sleep, and softly stroked their tiny hands.

"I may not have all the answers yet, but I promise to protect you and love you with all my heart," she vowed, her voice filled with determination. "We will figure this out together, won't we?"

In the quiet of the night, Daenerys found comfort in the presence of her two precious children. As she sat there, she knew that despite the challenges and uncertainties of motherhood, the love she felt for Rhaego and Rhaenys would guide her on this new and beautiful journey of being their mother.


In the courtyard of their home in Vaes Dothrak, the sun cast a warm glow as Daenerys watched over her twin toddlers playing together. Rhaenys, with her silver hair resting on her shoulders, giggled joyfully as she crawled around, exploring her surroundings with curiosity. Rhaego, with his curly silver hair, sat nearby, his tiny hands grasping his toes while making adorable baby noises.

Ser Jorah approached with a smile, his admiration for Daenerys evident in his eyes. "Congratulations, Khaleesi," he said warmly, "Your twins are growing up so fast, and they are absolutely delightful."

Daenerys beamed with pride, her love for her children shining through. "Thank you, Ser Jorah," she replied, "They are my heart and joy."

Rhaenys looked up from her exploration and gurgled happily at the sight of Ser Jorah, extending her little arms toward him. "Look at her," Daenerys said, chuckling, "She already knows how to charm people."

"And little Rhaego," Ser Jorah observed, "He seems to be quite the chatterbox, doesn't he?"

Daenerys nodded with amusement. "Oh, he certainly is," she said, "He loves to babble and make the most adorable sounds while playing. I cannot help but laugh at his antics."

As they continued to watch the twins, Khal Drogo joined them, a proud and loving father. He scooped up Rhaenys and playfully swung her in the air, eliciting delighted laughter from the little girl. Rhaego, seeing his sister enjoying herself, tried to join in on the fun, his baby babble increasing in excitement.

"Look at them," Khal Drogo said, a wide grin on his face, "They are strong and beautiful, just like their mother."

Daenerys felt a surge of happiness and contentment. "I am blessed to have them," she replied, her voice filled with affection,

Daenerys couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and support surrounding her. In the heart of Vaes Dothrak, she had found a home and a family, and with her twins growing up, every day was a new adventure filled with love, laughter, and joy.

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