v ━━━ silver children

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☄. *. ⋆┊ chapter five

 ⋆┊ chapter five

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Under the vast Dothraki sky, Khal Drogo led his khalassar once again, the thundering hooves of their horses echoing across the plains. Rhaego, with his curly silver hair, rode confidently on his white horse, his eyes filled with excitement and pride as he followed in his father's footsteps.

Beside him, Daenerys rode on her own horse, Rhaenys nestled safely in her arms. Rhaenys snuggled close to her mother, feeling comforted by the rhythmic motion of the horse.

"Are you doing alright, my little star?" Daenerys asked softly, looking down at her daughter.

Rhaenys nodded sleepily. "Yes, Mama," she replied, her voice drowsy.

Daenerys smiled, brushing a strand of hair away from Rhaenys' face. "I'm glad you feel that way," she said

As they rode alongside the khalassar, Rhaenys's eyelids grew heavier, and soon she fell asleep against her mother's chest, lulled by the steady galloping of the horse and the warmth of Daenerys' embrace.

Khal Drogo noticed Rhaenys asleep and glanced at his wife with a fond smile.

After the endless horse riding - Khal Drogo finally stopped the Khalassar to raid a small village, Rhaego and Rhaenys, were just six years old. They stood by Khal Drogo's side, their young faces a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. Their small hands held tightly onto each other as they watched the chaos unfold.

Khal Drogo, flanked by his khals, sat on a large chair, a cold and imposing figure. The village they had descended upon was engulfed in flames, its people fleeing in terror, their cries of anguish filling the air. The Dothraki warriors wreaked havoc, stealing, killing, and capturing women as slaves.

Rhaenys, her silver hair cascading around her face, clung to Rhaego's arm, her eyes wide with fear. She didn't like the sounds of people screaming for mercy, and her innocent heart struggled to understand the brutality of the world.

The khals, including Khal Drogo, reveled in their victory. They laughed heartily, their laughter a stark contrast to the suffering they had inflicted. To them, this was a triumphant day, another conquest to add to their list of victories.

Khal Drogo turned to look at the twins' direction, "Rhaego, my son, come!"

The boy hesitated for a moment, then he softly patted Rhaenys' hand that was wrapped on his arm, glancing back at his sister before stepping closer to his father. Rhaenys now looked down and fidgeted her fingers.

Khal Drogo's large hand gripped Rhaego's shoulder as he spoke in a low, guttural tone.

"Someday, my son," he said, his eyes glinting with a fierce pride, "it will be you who leads the Khalassar. You will take what is yours, and the world will tremble beneath your feet."

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