vi ━━━ only death pays for life

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☄. *. ⋆┊ chapter six

 ⋆┊ chapter six

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The Khalasar led by Khal Drogo thundered forward, the sound of hooves pounding the earth like a relentless drumbeat. Riding at the head of the massive horde, Drogo's muscular frame and commanding presence were unmistakable.

Following close behind, his son, Rhaego riding on his own and Daenerys rode her pristine white horse, her daughter Rhaenys perched in front of her, their silver hair gleaming in the sunlight.

But amidst the thunderous charge, Daenerys noticed something amiss. Drogo, usually the embodiment of strength and vitality, was wobbling in his saddle. His features contorted as he spoke gibberish, his words incoherent.

Alarmed, Daenerys urged her horse forward, calling out to her husband in concern.

"My lord..."

"My sun and stars..."

"Drogo", again but still no response from the Khal.

Before her very eyes, Khal Drogo, the great warrior, tumbled from his horse and crashed to the ground. With fearless determination, Daenerys leaped from her horse and rushed to his side, her heart heavy with fear for her beloved husband.

Then one of his bloodriders also rushed to his side, taking the Khal's hand.

Rhaego and Rhaenys, watched in growing worry. Rhaego, his concern for his father clear in his eyes, didn't hesitate and jumped from his own horse, rushing to his father's side.

The bloodriders, warriors who had followed Drogo through countless battles and life on the Great Grass Sea, muttered amongst themselves, their expressions grave. One of them declared in a low, solemn tone, "He fell from his horse. A Khal who cannot ride is no Khal"

Daenerys, still holding Drogo and her resolve unwavering, spoke in her husband's defense. "He's tired, that's all. He needs to rest. We've ridden enough today. We'll camp here"

"This is no place to camp. A woman does not give us orders. Not even a Khaleesi" one of the bloodriders said,

"We'll camp here. Tell them Khal Drogo commanded it" Daenerys defended

"You do not command me Khaleesi."

Rhaego, sensing his mother's distress and understanding the gravity of the situation, decided to intervene. He addressed the bloodriders firmly, "I-I order you to make camp here. My father is tired, and my mother is right. We will rest now."

The bloodriders exchanged glances, unwilling to challenge the young Khalakka's authority. They nodded in reluctant agreement, and One of them left to order the others to camp.

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