The hangover - 6

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Still Rafes POV

I wake up to find Y/N in nothing than her underwear she rolls over towards me she puts her head on the corner or my arm and torso and her hand on my chest. I rolled her back and got up went to the toilet came back out and put some shorts on, I go downstairs to make some breakfast I cook some eggs, bacon, toast and coffee for the both of us. I bring up hers first and then mine. I put my hand on her shoulder and shake her a bit while saying her name.


I wake up to Rafe calling my name and him shaking me. I groan "Just ten more minutes please". "No come on you need to get up and have something to eat, c'mon sit up". I do as he says, he passes me one of his shirts to cover up my chest as I was only in my underwear, I saw my dress on the floor I took it off half way through the night as I was hot and it was uncomfortable. "You made breakfast" I say half asleep. "Yep you had a lot to drink last night you need to eat something, here take this it will help with the headache" he passes me some paracetamol and a water bottle. I grab my plate of and start eating it.

After I've finished I get up from the bed and walk to the bathroom "There should be a tampon box in the cupboard for you" Rafe says as I walk past him. "You didn't have to do that, I could've bought my own" I turn around and look at his face as he's standing behind me. "Nahh I wanted to, you can take a pair of my shorts to wear when you come out". I go into the bathroom do my thing, I come out and Rafe isn't in the room anymore he's taken our plates a cups with him, I go to his closet and pull out black shorts to go with the grey T-shirt he lent me amd i put my hair into a messy bun and I sort out a few of my baby hairs out to make myself look cute, I grab my phone which was put on charge and walk down the stairs.

I walk past Sarah on the way down, she gives me a glare and mumbles something I couldn't hear what she said and I couldn't be bothered to ask her. I walk into the kitchen and Rafe is standing by the sink (shirtless), so I sneak up behind him and hug him he turns around and puts his hands underneath my shirt, which are wet, and tickles me. I squirm out of his grip and run off towards the living room, he turns off the tap and chases after me. "Your gonna regret you did that" he says playfully, he tackles me on the sofa and starts tickling me all over my body and I start kicking him trying to get him to stop "Rafe stop, get off of me" I say while laughing. He sits on top of my legs so I don't kick him, he stops after he hears the door open he quickly gets off and I sit up next to him, it was his dad, his step mum and his youngest sister.

Rafe tickles the side of my torso and I curve "Rafe actually stop", he giggles "I can't your too easy to tickle." He stands up and walks over to his dad, "Did she stay the night?" Ward says to Rafe, "Yeah, we didn't do anything though she passed out and I just laid her on my bed, I lent her some clothes that's it." Rafe responds to his father. Rose glares at me and walks off upstairs, probably to talk to Sarah. Whezzie hugs Rafe and sits down near me on the sofa, "You watching anything?" She asks me "No, no the TVs all yours" I smile at her and watch Rafe and Ward walk out the house talking. Intreged I follow and sit down on a bench outside, I text my Uncle to say that I stayed the night and I was coming home in a couple hours, he responds with a thumbs up.

Rafe walks to me and Ward goes inside, he sits down next to me and looks at me "you wanna walk down to the beach", "Yeah sure got nothing else to do." We get up and we walk to the beach, when we get there we hold our shoes and walk along the line shore line having the sea hit our feet. They were good waves, it was quiet and we saw some people surfing when we got closer we could see it was the pogues. "Can we go sit down" I ask as I look at Rafe. "Sure over there it's in the shade" we sit in the shade looking and the sea and the pogues surfing, I put my head on Rafes shoulder.

After 20 minutes the pogues come to shore and put their boards down and have a chat JJ walks over to a bush and comes back to them a few minutes later. They sit down by the shore line and Rafe gets up and holds out his hand and I grab it. "Where are we going" I ask him "it's a lovely day we are going for a swim" I put my phone next to my shoes Rafe does the same and I take a hair band from my hair and tie Rafes shirt so it's cropped and walk with him into the sea. It's cold for a few seconds but I adjust.

I look over to see the Pogues looking at me and Rafe in the water Kie and Sarah both roll their eyes but the boys just wave so I wave back. I get pulled down into the water by Rafe "Rafe what the hell" i shout at him he just laughs so I splash water at him. I walk out of the water Rafe follows I start running and he runs at me, I run along the edge of the water in the Pogues direction Rafe is chasing me still. I start to get tired and I slowly stop and put my hands on my hips and breath. Rafe stops next to me and holds me by my waist, I put my hands under his arms on the side of his body and rest my head in his chest I could hear his heart racing.

We walk back to our stuff and grab our shoes and our phones, we walk to the ice cream van that's near by and we both order  he get pistachio and I get cookie dough ice cream, we sit down next to each other and I take a picture of us both holding our ice creams together like you would when you clink glasses together. We see a brown VW go by and its got all the pogues in it and their surfboards pinned at the top of it.

Sorry if this one's a bit short I ran out of what to type down.

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