ǝuo ɐɹʇxǝ

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"Next week, come over and have dinner with Uncle Zhou to meet his daughter," Song Wanqin excitedly said over the phone, "The young girl is beautiful, gentle, and well-mannered. She just graduated from England..."

"Mom, I don't have time," Pei Hao abruptly interrupted Song Wanqin, his tone carrying a hint of resistance, "Could you stop worrying about this in the future?"

It wasn't a good idea for Pei Hao to say that, as it touched a nerve with Song Wanqin.

Her son was handsome, optimistic, hardworking, and had a good background. There was no reason to reject anyone. However, he was in his twenties and had never been known to be interested in any girl.

At first, Song Wanqin thought that perhaps her son had high standards, but later, no matter how outstanding the girls she and the old man introduced him to were, he remained uninterested and apathetic.

The old man said that it's good for boys to establish themselves before starting a family, but she couldn't shake off her unease.

Ever since Pei Hao returned to X City for work from Y City, he seemed different. The enthusiasm he used to have was gone, and his eyes were always filled with a inexplicable sorrow.

"I'm not worried about it, who's worried? You're not a child anymore, it's time to consider finding someone!" Song Wanqin switched to a motherly tone, "Having someone by your side will prevent you from feeling lonely."

Pei Hao knew that if he didn't hang up, his mom could keep talking for an hour, so he cut it short, "Alright, Mom, I have things to do. We'll talk next time."

"You..." Song Wanqin's voice abruptly stopped on the phone.

After hanging up, Pei Hao walked onto the balcony and lit a cigarette.

When did he start smoking? It seemed like it was after Mo Xi left him.

He often woke up in the middle of the night, drenched in cold sweat, reaching out for the person who should be there but only feeling cold air. Then his heart sank deep into the ground.

Then came another sleepless night, standing on the balcony, smoking a cigarette, reminiscing about everything related to that person.

The scent of the smoke gradually filled the air, much like the scent of that person. At first, it was sweet, but it gradually turned bitter, seeping into his very core.

Inhaling and exhaling, it felt like all the anguish, the vexation, and the boundless yearning could be expelled with each breath.

Pei Hao often stood like this for the entire night until dawn broke, and a few pedestrians appeared on the street. Only then did he snap out of his trance-like state.

That person really wasn't coming back.

And it's not like he hadn't tried.

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